
Right around the time that INTERPOL places Julian Assange on their "most wanted" list. How CONVENIENT for the US Government.

@ddhboy: There is no direct evidence that Bradley Manning, the soldier that you point, had anything to do with these leaks. The entire argument against him is based on the word of another hacker. Manning has spent 188 days in military prison without a trial.

@nigma.ed: That's great. It's illegal under US law. So what?

@Scarbane: You can't commit treason if you're not a US citizen or a US-based organization?

Oooh. Intriguing.

Free Bradley Manning.




They clearly have zero tolerance for alcohol.

Bah. Proprietary, and it replicates a function which I've been utilizing via DLNA anyways. Cool if the rest of your stuff is made by Apple, but it won't be changing my life.

I think the anger here is completely displaced. Sure, we're not happy with a Government agency that completely exploits any and every possibility to increase its budget through scare tactics. Abusing the "Patriot Act" to circumvent supposedly "inalienable" privacy rights, but whose to blame?

@djalice: Everyone of your friends != Everyone on the planet.

I wish it was such an issue(aside from 1 api change between 2.1-2.2) to develop an app for anything past 2.1 which is now 77% of the entire android market share. The problem, literally, is any device that came before the Motorola Droid/Nexus One is simply: shitty, outdated hardware. The problem can't be placed with OS

@Sheccid: So awesome, here's a more Android Wallpaper Friendly version (resolution wise).