You do that chief. Nothing wrong with being a big fish in a small pond.
You do that chief. Nothing wrong with being a big fish in a small pond.
Negative Ghost Rider. iOS excelled with it's simplicity on small screens. When the iPad came out and offered much more screen real estate, iOS proved to be lacking. The "i" in iOS is for inhibited, or "imprisoned" to a small screen. Once you get a 10" screen, time for a real OS with full capabilities.
iPad = awesome hardware and shit OS
I just want her to teach me about her privates after yoga class.
He's transported back in time when the joke was funny??
Don't confuse able with willing.
...known to rock the microphone
I think this totally depends on the device. Sure, iOS on a phone is great. You just can't beat the apps on iOS. The quantity, the quality, etc etc.
Absolutely. Constructive criticism is welcomed by intelligent individuals. But all the vile and piss filled comments just seem like they exist for the sake of being vile and piss filled.
Timeline of crushed beliefs:
Here are both sides summed up:
More like covering the rest of us in shit.......pretty quickly too.
Exactly 828. That flushing sound wasn't the toilet, it was the sound of my point going right over Shawny's head.
It's more of Gears getting credit for actually doing 3rd person games with cover correctly. Most others are fucking horrible.
That's what people call chubby who only rub up against bags of sticks.
I watched the pilot on Hulu and was instantly reminded of the smoke monster from Lost when I saw the "special" usb thing able to make stuff work. With me, there is no fooling twice, so I haven't watched the show since but am still mildly interested if this will end like Lost; a bunch of unanswered questions and…
How great (or sad) is life that most things can be referenced to The Simpsons, South Park, or a Dave Chappelle skit?
No, trolls mention sheep any time Apple's sales are mentioned.