
"How did you even get into those things?"

That may be the basis of a new game!

It's funny how a citizen can go through a bunch of shit to get a gun. Take a class, be proficient with an actual firearm, get a criminal background check, even a mental health background check, and someone wants to blanket take that away.

Crysis probably jacked the optical camo from Halo, which was probably jacked from Predator. The "active" camo in this looks much more believable and closer to recent research and development is showing.

That's ole boy from the show Future Weapons. Surprised no one brought that up yet.

So you're saying the "blue" pill then?? =0

Dayum, didn't know I'd need to choose a red or blue pill just to shower.

Because it's promiscuous with about every manufacturer and has been "diddled" by them as well. Look at all the skins and BS layers that companies have added to Android making it harder to get the latest updates.

"We have a 7-month-old now."

IMO, his point still stands. Android is the whore OS of mobile computing and gmail is just ughhh. Again, all IMO......

I thought everything was cool since the Asian community chose Wu Tang Clan.

Something something........ this woman......... something something....... stain

This trailer has the same feel as the Halo one where the Chief is laying in the grass looking up at the stars.

I think they are provided food and housing as well. Considering they probably work 12 hr shifts, they wouldn't have time to work another job.

Yeah, some people don't even know what they are making on the assembly line. Although I'm sure making a big ass yacht is quite different than an iPad.

I guess if the nanotech is just microscopic legos, then it can "build" anything.

Halo Glasslands mentions the Spartan 4 program, along with a new ship created out of modified Covenant and Forerunner technology. The book is a decent read if you can get past the author's witch hunt for Dr Halsey.

The novel Glasslands explains nanotech that can upgrade things while in cryo.

Just mixed "dranks"?

Is it me or is MS just doing what Apple has already done with the iPad, except everyone is now pissing and moaning. It's simple, a W8 (WOA) tablet will need to run on an app based ecosystem, just like the frickin iPad, except you get a file manager and Office. If you get a x86 tablet, you can continue using legacy