
It would be the most baller theater ever if it had a chicken bone chandelier.

For those with kids, when will we start dreaming in animation??

Ok MS, go all out one more time. But if this doesn't work, pull out and focus that money/effort on the regions that are supporting the platform. Maybe even start a new 1st party dev.

I used a shock collar on my Jack Russell. I even tested it on myself before using it on him as I would not subject him to any pain beyond what I was personally willing to accept. That and the fact that the shock is nothing compared to the "shock" from a vehicle at 55mph.

Reviews or bandwagon riding? Reading the reviews here is more like the last episode of South Park where it seems it's just the excrement of cynical assholes in a circle jerk.

Can anyone watch a fucking movie and stop analyzing the goddamn thing so much these days? When I go to the movie, I try to set aside any expectations and let the story be told for entertainment purposes. Enough with the godfuckingdamn psycho analyzing and flaw finding. Seems most internet-posting movie goers simply

Music was great for the vid! I even played the vid in the background while I did some other surfing and thought with some bass, Eminem and Dre might want to sample this!

Exactly, I would already show up to that game "flat broke"; aka buck ass naked.

At first I was all "goddamn, what a fucking prick". But really, the eagle is just trying to eat, not steal the goat's plasma tv.

Assembling is one thing, replicating would be scary!


Died? Battery issue or something worse? I'm still hanging tough, but hoping for news soon on iP5/4Gs.

"Shouting in my face and calling me names" is where you convert virtual violence into an actual ass whoop'n.

Will there be an official announcement prior to Sept? I've heard a July announcement but I'm sure there won't be that much of a gap between announcement and actual ship dates for obvious reasons.

Half Life was my true first love for FPS, outside of the crush I had on Jedi Knight. While the story telling is nice per game, it's entirety is fragmented all to hell. It's now like telling part of a bedtime story to a 3 year old, then another part when they're 10, and most likely the ending when they're bed ridden

Yes, yes, because no one likes eating their favorite food more than twice in their life.

Still does not equate to anything "epic". That word gets improperly overused these days.

"Epic"?? As in "we fixed a bunch of shit that was fucked up and call internet based storage "icloud" now" epic??

Really? Because options are bad? I think MS was tired of the "too many sku's" argument and went for an all in one that works together regardless of the hardware it resides.

Wow, lots of complaining for what must be a lack of "video comprehension". The tile interface looks great for tablets while still having the underlying standard Windows for desktops/laptops. One interface is for consumption and the other is for creating. If you have a tablet, more than likely you will never switch