
I guess Geese are suppliers of two main things:

Wow, did Superman just swallow some Tron?

Dang, I guess dl'ing porn from your neighbor's wifi these days is like setting dog shit on fire on the front porch of yesteryear.

@SparklyJesus: You want him all to yourself huh Jesus?

@RickaMayCry: Or a Dave Chappelle skit: "Is Darth Vader gonna have to force choke a bitch?"

R Kelly approves!

Without co-op, this will be a bargain bin buy for me.

@neMouse: Word? I didn't know this, mannn!

Cool, just in time for the next plague.

@PelicanHazard: Thank you sir! I'll take one with AI once they find a cure for rampancy!

@ixta70: Gaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwdayummmmmmm! That kid got knocked the fuck out!

He should have used the immediate payment required option for the auction. That way if she didn't pay during the process it would have remained up for auction.

I helped my dad make a wood furnace for his shop. We used a 3 ft diameter steel cylinder and created a smaller 1ft diameter "heat exchanger" in the stack. We then coiled up copper tubing in the heat exchanger to warm water that is fed to coil/fan units in other areas of the building. It's all manual as you have to

@GhostRaven: I'm sure my buddies and I will finish the campaign and then spend months in Horde.

@kujel: I can agree with that as long as you consider co-op part of that "singleplayer".

This is the same attitude that has garnished huge sales of the Xbox in Japan.....oh wait....