
@Chicken Pawks: I guess he means like guys who wear big ass sweatshirts with shorts and sandals when it's freezing out.

@Cheve: My quick and dirty mojito recipe is just 1.5oz of Bicardi Limon Rum and 4oz of 7-Up lightly tossed in a mixer. Add a lime wedge and a few leaves of mint and you're good.

I'm definitely not against guns, but "hunting" should only be allowed with a bow/arrow, knife, or a spear. Anything else is not "hunting".

@Barnabus: And here I was thinking of just taking out insurance policies!

@87Integra: I guess someone needs to start by explaining to you how they get here to begin with :P

All those ladies look very fit. Are there fat Japanese chicks? If not, Japanese culture is missing out on "hogging".

@schunniky: One certain complaint I will always have about my life will be that I did not get to explore space "Star Trek" style. Maybe not a universe pimp like Captain Kirk, but I'm sure I would have gotten my share of green hiney.

I'm going to need to see this tested on a large chested female to believe the liquid actually turns into a fabric.


I believe the Kinect line will be similar. I didn't even go the Reach midnight event. I went to Walmart the next morning before work and got a $20 gift card and a Halo Reach toboggan. My buddy who preordered from Gamestop was so pissed.

No, I'm married.

@Xaxir: Those are the technical terms, but you know we needed a new "(insert type-of) rage" for the internets. :D

I have a new term for what is going on here:

@Akio Morita: If you've been Sony only for "umpteen" years, then you probably don't have friends with Xboxes and/or Live.

@lostarchitect: I played through Gears of War 2 twice, maybe spent 16hrs between the two finding COG tags and etc. But I put a shit pot of time into Horde. With proper matchmaking coming to FireFight, I can see this being the game that supplants Borderlands for the next 6 months easily.

@Terry Vongsouthi: There will be a trilogy (at least) on the Forerunners. Mark my words!!

Bad fucking ass!

Man, of all that, I want to read the diary.

I'm like others, wondering what type of seating he has/or is planned. When I finished my upstairs, I originally wanted theater seating, but opted for black leather couches and a nice 12ft bar at the rear of the room. Nothing says "man cave" like black leather (and easy care to boot).