
@superdemon: Exactly. Many AC units work off of humidity first and temp second.

@d20Dark: Put it in your front yard and make the rocks into a water feature. Maybe involve your wife/gf by having her plant flowers around it.

@Gruntybreath: I've been thinking the same thing. Move is more precise, but lacks the tracking of the entire body. With Kinect, you could add a controller of sorts for use in shooters. Then the problem with that is you end up in peripheral hell, which we're already seeing with Move and the bubblegun.

@ninjacrusader: If you have a nice pc-based digital library, then Kinect is awesome for the same reasons on a 360. My 360 gets as much media time as it does gaming, and Kinect seems cool just for that. Seeming cool and worth the money are two different things though.

@SupaKero: Dude, "Larry the Looter" would be awesome with Kinect!!

@CowboyKill3r: After watching Sony's presser, I was most impressed by the Tiger Woods demo (I'm a golfer). Other than that, I don't want motion anything replacing my controller for shooters. But, I can see a small single handed controller being used in conjunction with Kinect. You hold the controller that has an

@AD.Munck with music in his head.: What you want this to be, the successor to the 360? If the mainboard they showed a few months ago is in here, there was a complete overhaul of the circuitry including combining the CPU/GPU to a single unit. If this would have been more powerful or added a major feature (BR), the

@CowboyKill3r: I'm not saying I like Kinect or buy into the gimmick of motion controls, but one thing I have noticed is the full body movement capabilities vs a single point in space (wii controller). Can you kick something on the Wii? I'm sure you can use the d-pad or a button for jumping/crouching, but it still

@Nintendo Tim: Doesn't mean it isn't proprietary though :(

The angular look won't even be noticed once you get this onto your media center shelving. I just want more info on the "guts".

$50 would be impulse buy range, but 150 starts to make you question the purchase.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5.........goodness!! How many idiots are gonna keep on w/ the red ring jokes?

@suppaman: N. Welcome to learning about a subject before speaking on it.

@Muskrat 42: Nicknames? 12 yr olds shouldn't have wireless phones.

@Dalai-Lama: How about you've been watching a movie for an hour and your controller goes to sleep, you say "xbox, pause" while you go piss.

The UI with Kinect is cool, but where is my mfing Golf game?!

@martinf1: I'm positive my buddy and I would have picked up the next COD had it included co-op. Now, not so much. So were polishing up Borderlands while waiting on Reach and can't wait for Gears 3.

MS, please don't listen to Sony babbling about 3D. They sell TVs and have an interest in 3D if it will even slightly boost sales. A huge portion of the gaming community doesn't give a shit about it.