
I, too, am an ironic hipster, even though I'm an Old, but I'm raising an awesome teenaged ironic hipster who stays ahead of the curve. He keeps me on my hip toes. Ain't no shame in it!

I want to love him. Call me crazy. He irritates me unreasonably. But I'll have to give him a pass on dressing like this. Who cares?

In my head, I just married you in my too expensive wedding and we had a great time criticizing the gifts/givers. Also, I let you write all the thank you/hate notes.

Shop til you find them. They are out there. And really, your beauty will translate smile or no smile. As a former depressive, I know how that dead eye look can translate-and I work to help avoid that.

I dunno...maybe it's because she works hard to keep the system clean? I don't eat fast food at all, mainly because I worry about all the processing, chemicals, etc, so I can hee her point. But really, she needs to speak in terms her public can identify with.

Ooh I love it! It totally fits my secret hippie vibe. Also, I hate myself for liking her music.

I don't even know where to begin with this, aside from apologizing on behalf of the assholes inherent in the system. I've had plenty of people, women especially, say they just don't have a good smile. If they WANT to smile, I take my time, get friendly, joke a little, ready to shoot when their genuine,

As a professional photographer, I feel it my duty to capture what the client wants. And if a client doesn't want to smile, she won't hear me begging her to do it. People are beautiful in all their expressions, and as soon as we all figure this out, the better off we'll be.

Oh, amen, sister. Once I quit fighting to fit into someone else's ideal, I found I'd never felt more, well, perfect. TO MYSELF.

For what it's worth- I'm just here to say I'm glad I left the mid-Atlantic with its fashion dos and don'ts. Here in central Florida it's warm most of the year and as long as you brush your teeth and hair before emerging from home, no one seems to care.

I need this in reverse. I'm cursed with a smiley countenance that causes strangers (kind ones and jerks alike) to think I'm smiling and happy about THEM. Because it's always about THEM, right, and not because it's just the way my face was made.

I have an English ex-mother-in-law that I kept in the divorce. I also got to keep all the aunties, cousins, etc. You are spot on, and I love the way they are.

I want to start cheating on me with you. I dig your style.

I'd marry him to just for that awesome attitude!

Yeah, my philandering friend never got out of her yoga pants and jog bras. But I started wearing the maxi dress. My marriage is doomed. Doomed, I tell you.

Don't. We are all wonderful in our own ways. Some give birth. Some don't. Be proud of who you are and what your body *can* do.

I LOVE the Oxford comma! We can BOTH marry it!

Yay! Congrats! welcome to the club and savor everyone of them!

Right now, during summer break, when our last in-the-nest leaves each morning for band camp, we sex it up like teenagers. And like the twenty-somethings we were. And the thirty-somethings. (We're olds now, but no one told us the rules)

This is happening right now. Molly is all over my FB. But I'm a bitch if I say anything.