Liars like this are exactly why any time I hear someone complaining about bigotry I'm immediately skeptical.
Liars like this are exactly why any time I hear someone complaining about bigotry I'm immediately skeptical.
Some plastic surgery is really well done, like what this girl has. She looks great.
1) Translation work itself is difficult, regardless of the form.
I'm not being picky, you're being dismissive. The term "negro" was proper terminology that was entirely neutral when it was in common use. It only began to be offensive after society stopped using it. "Redskin" is similar, except these days when someone says "Look at that Redskin over there" it is common knowledge…
Localization is a gamble. You know for a fact that localizing a large content-heavy game is going to cost lots and lots and lots of money... but you have no idea what your ROI will be for that effort. For every success story you can point out, I'm sure you can point out just as many failures. Even if you're getting…
That picture under the title reminds me of CVS2. I liked that game.
Came here to say this. Who aside from a complete moron would think that localizing a game from japanese to english would be easy, ESPECIALLY a role-playing game with 50+ hours of dialogue?
Funny video, but I don't think I've ever heard a Republican say "Fuck the Constitution"... Conservatives are generally about preserving the Constitution — that's kinda the whole point of their ideology.
You can act like I'm being immature if you want, but you're just being dismissive of a serious critique. Nintendo shat the bed. Ocarina of Time showed us an adult Link in a ruined world and gave us a taste of what we hoped were things to come. At Space World 2000, they showed us something that we thought was going…
Ok you lost me.
A little background: When I first played Ocarina of Time, I loved every second of the game, but I noticed that I liked the adult Link section much more than the young Link section. It got to the point that on my second playthru, I dreaded all the young Link sections. When Majora's Mask came out, and I realized that…
In that case, if you commented out the line that sets it to 20, then it will stay at -1, and the instant the simulation starts, it will time out...
Just like in CoD, if people don't like someone else's emblem, they can give negative feedback or report it. With enough reports, they get in trouble.
If you just comment that line out then the variable will be uninitialized, which will cause a runtime error. You need to comment out the line that checks to see if minutesBeforeAutoDisconnectDueToInternetTimeout <= 0.
Yes! This looks so incredibly awesome. I'm gonna sink hundreds of hours into this game.
The name thing is just you being picky.
That reminds me of those logic puzzles where there's two knights: one that tells the truth and the other that always lies. What sort of bizarre discrete logic blowjob island have you landed on, friend?
DAMN this kid's parents must be loaded. Whaddaya suppose that thing costs? $20K?
I say that many dick-sucking professionals are talentless because clearly they're not doing anything where a high degree of natural ability, talent, or skill is required — it's low-skill labor at its finest.
Maybe I'm wrong, but it sounds to me like you actually *want* the government to be able to regulate games?