
Reparations should only ever be made FROM the people committing the crime TO the people who were the victims. It simply cannot be justified across generations.

How is it entitlement to choose not to see a movie because you believe there will be political messages in it that you have no interest seeing? It WOULD be entitlement if these people were trying to get the government to ban his work, but not if they're just saying that they're not going to go see it.

Anybody who doesn't like this game is a communist.

"If you support this shit, you also support terminators and slavery."

Virtually all broad statements are going to be wrong. The question is, HOW wrong? Not to get too technical, but I feel comfortable making a generalization like this when I believe the accuracy of my statement to be at least in the super-majority.

Perhaps the whole "two-shits-and-a-fuck" made the statement sound more harsh than it should be. :)

It's interesting that you think I'm calling you an entitled whiner, because it sounds like you were never really much in support of digital distribution. It's also interesting that you think I have an opinion one way or another about digital distribution and the Xbox 180, because I don't recall voicing my opinion on

I would say the answer lies in the titles "PC gamer" and "Console gamer". I'd call someone a PC gamer if they exclusively played PC and didn't care about consoles, and I'd call someone a Console gamer if they exclusively played consoles and didn't care about PC games. Are there people who play both? YES of course.

Erm, no, they probably are :/

Of course I don't have any research. I never claimed to. It's a claim made based on things I've seen, and you're free to take it or leave it. That being said, now I'm interested to hear why you'd disagree with me. So you believe they are different people? Something I've learned about the noisy elements in the

Sexual harassment is bad. This one person should've been removed from the con for doing that. Oh, wait, he was? Then what's the issue?

The people screaming the loudest about how much they hated the originally-announced Xbox One are the exact same people that were screaming last generation about the dire need to switch entirely to digital media and how disks were stupid in this day and age. These whiners have no credibility, and they once again make

No official leadership structure at Valve? That just means that things are controlled by popularity, charisma, and seniority. Yeah, sounds like high school to me. I'll pass.

Mobile games with no ads or micro-transactions are essentially free because piracy is so rampant. Only the top 10 in the app store actually make a decent profit, while all the rest remain in destitution and obscurity.

The video games I own solely exist for my amusement. Therefore, when I'm playing a game, the INSTANT that I realize I'm no longer having any fun, I turn the game off, multiplayer or otherwise. Typical reasons for this are as follows:

This guy was saying something he knew to be absurd to fully describe how absurd it is for cops to THROW their goddamn weapons instead of holstering them. End of story.

Yeah, it was way better back in the SNES days when you wanted to get four new characters, you had to go out and buy the whole new $50 game cartridge...

That game sounds pretty gay, and I'm not gay, so I won't like it. Next?

Yeah, us Americans are pretty stupid about working to earn our bread. What a lousy attitude.

Everyone, keep in mind that this article and the one he's countering are both written from the perspective of non-engineers. The rules change entirely when you're talking about engineers.