I would assume that trophy would be along the lines of "Dodge X number of lightning bolts in the Thunder Plains." Considering Lulu's final weapon requires something like 300 dodges, I can only assume this trophy will be the same.
I would assume that trophy would be along the lines of "Dodge X number of lightning bolts in the Thunder Plains." Considering Lulu's final weapon requires something like 300 dodges, I can only assume this trophy will be the same.
She was part of a group that helped save the world, and was not sacrificed as the people had expected. Of course someone would try and take advantage of her fame and likely convinced her to do it to milk as much money out of the situation as possible.
People who play music into their mics in MP lobbies because they think the song they are listening to is sooooo badass that it simply must be shared with the world. It's the digital version of those douchebags in college dorms who put their speakers facing out the window and play loud music into the quad.
Meta-Gaming! The bane of my Multiplayer experiences. Whether it be Age of Empires II (loosely HD), Dota 2, or Guns of Icarus, everyone seems to be so bound to the meta, that you can't do anything fun or unique without being criticised, mocked or abandoned by teammates.
Gracie Gold was having a bad night. The 18-year-old figure skater was about a minute and a half into her free skate…
Combination of alarm clock, baby crying, wife swearing, multiple farts.
Some of the advice that you are going to get will be from people who tell you to just suck it up, to focus, to pull up your socks. Some will be from people who "cured" their depression with their Christlike will, their workout routine, or Noni Juice. These are complete fucktards. Let me shield you from them. I…
I agree, him leaving was probably the best thing to happen to both of them, since Dan took his place and in my opinion has better chemistry with Arin and is funnier
I won't make an argument about animation quality as I feel it's more then adequate...
Just to pre-empt all the sub snobs, "Yeah! Screw all those hard working voice actors who have to struggle in a dying industry (which is dying at our hands by the way) to do what they love!"
It's a useful tag for things like, say, "RPGMaker" or "You Need a Budget", since those are legitimately not games.
It is not a useful tag for things that people just like to call "not a game" because they don't involve shooting brown people.
Fair enough as "overrated" is a useless tag as who thinks when they search:
I'd say "Fun" goes under "Not a helpful tag." It's a little to simple and subjective to be really any use.
All you did was type out one long excuse for abusive behavior and try to hide behind an unsupported assertion that this is how it is, how it's always been and how it will always be.
I think that everything we do in life has its share of teaching moments from which we can become better at what we do or want to do. That being said, as you stated, it all depends on the situation. A person who may have long paid his/her dues and is at an age and experience level where an entry level job just won't…
You couldn't have posted this article an hour earlier? I just went and got Chipotle.
I stuck it out far too long and my physical and mental health deteriorated to a point where my wife dragged me to my doctor. He took one look at me and signed me off for two weeks saying "Come back in two weeks and I will sign you off again as that's the longest I can do at any one time".