Dear Zeus

I heard a rumor, that may not be true, that Nintendo held back on the first party offerings so that the 3rd parties could shine at launch. Which, clearly they didn't shine so I guess 1st party will have to pick up the slack?

It was less intense here (only since I've been here. Before I got here things were worse). However, the guy I worked under sent a lengthy, rude, incredibly entitled and belittling email to a new hire to explain to her how much better he was than her/the rest of us so he gets priority on everything. The new girl had

Had I not called a doctor after my most recent breakdown due to depression I'd have probably hid myself in the house like him. Hopefully he can get the help he needs to get things on the right track.

Much like with card games, someone will buy a bunch of boxes of blind packs and then sell the individual tiles for a markup on the interwebs. So unless they do the card game system with rarity tiers, you'll probably end up paying he 5 bucks plus shipping for the one you want.

I played KH2 after finishing Days (which, Days really only serves to enhance a few scenes in 2) and still found it to be as fun as the first time. But with the BBS and 3D stuff I sorta don't want to play 2 again since it won't have all those newer aspects to it. Hopefully 3 incorporates parts of BBS and 3D.

For insurance you go to accounting who will either try to answer it from the info they got from the broker or you just have to call yourself. They also have the W-2s so they're like HR Lite. The Drive-Thru Only version.

I guess I win since the company I work for doesn't have an HR department!

Controller. Next to impossible to keyboard + mouse when you gots one hand.

My therapist has suggested guided imagery and deep breathing. The imagery works on a physical level but not a mental one for me. Though I get the same physical effects just from deep breathing so I tend to stick with that.

I'm definitely at a dead end. I was offered a "new" position and rejected it because it wasn't anything different than what I do now. It was just salaried + commission instead of hourly which, in this company, would have been a stupid move. There's absolutely nowhere to go within my department and they hired

"Hey, so, we here at MegaCorp did some research and found out that a lotta people do not like us. What should we do?"

The problem is that it was for the plant AND office. The plant is already closed on Fridays so the people who work out back didn't get docked for Friday since they already work 10 hour shifts Monday-Thursday. They just got paid holiday pay for the Thursday. We in the office are in 5 days at 8 hours so we got

That's what I was going to do until they decided just to close completely. I told them I'd come in that Friday to avoid the situation. They said we were just going to be closed.

Not the holiday itself, the days around it that management doesn't want to open up for. For example, July 5th shows on my pay stub as -8 Vacation hours while July 4th is 8 Holiday hours. Right now our holiday schedule also states we need 32 hours of Vacation time for Christmas since the higher ups couldn't decide on

That's pretty much what we do when the numbers work. Usually it's a 4 person group that also has issues (mostly legit with supertasting and such). She's easier to work with since she'll order a burger or whatever which means it'll end up 3 votes anyway.

Or a damn salad.

My god, my friend is the exact same person as that picky eater. I even say his palate is that of a 5-year old. The list of foods he will eat is literally: chicken in a nugget/strip form, fries, grilled cheese, Cheerios, chicken alfredo, pizza. That's it. Going out to eat or hosting a party is the worst because we

Considering they already take parts of our PTO to cover when the office is closed, I'd most like to get my PTO back. Screw having Fridays off if it means they're going to say I can't have it paid/ask me to come in/break their promises.

Mistake #4: Trying to put the frozen in the toaster.

I think you've nailed it. It'll probably be pretty good but people will nitpick it to death especially since it has been in limbo for so long. I doubt it'll be amazeballs and perfection but it'll likely be a fun, action-y romp.