Dear Zeus

I guess I'm an "old" now and I'm not even old... The original show with the model trains and the one narrator doing all the voices was the shit. I ate that show up like crazy as a kid. And the toys were die cast metal that lasted even when the paint flaked off so you just had to memorize the shape of the engines.

Utena was more a deconstruction of shoujo in general which makes it it's own thing, I think. The Sailor Moon manga was also quite dark and clearly intentionally nuts so that the author could give Kodansha what they wanted while doing what she wanted. The anime seemed to lose that darkness/intensity due to copious

Ahem. My name is Zeus and I'm a recovering Arashi-holic. It was college and I fell in with the wrong crowd and I... oh goddammit, Sho's still the best...

Have you read his book? If not, you should. Because he displays that he is both good and horrible at his job and it is WONDERFUL. Plus the list of countries at the end is amazing.

I'm pretty much in therapy for the same thing. I've fallen into the realm of clinical depression because I feel so useless and futureless. Finding the energy to do anything after I get home is damn near impossible. I can't turn off my brain enough during the day to trick myself into thinking my meaningless job is

Only Google gets me. Oh, Google.

Other than me not being a performer I hear echos of myself in that.

I don't hate Skyrim but it definitely let me down. I actually sort of like Dragon's Dogma more.

I use it pretty much just for Adium. And even then the free version is all I need.

I haven't seen that word since the 90s. Man, the memories. That and biter.

I was excited until I clicked on it. Ah well.

Or Malory's old name since Cate seems to be... well... good at her job.

I'd also like a boss who isn't racist but that is just asking TOO MUCH. Too much.

Can we stop with all the bad advice articles? Because, really, are you kidding me with all of this? I'm going to be 25 and I have a job I hate that is leading me nowhere because I can't get anything else in this market. I'm pumping my savings with as much money as I can in case the inevitable happens but I can't

I think it's because we expected them to end with XIII-2 and then there was the giant cliffhanger was the problem. I didn't really like XIII because I felt the story and game didn't mesh well enough but I actually had a lot of fun with XIII-2. So that's why I'm sort of optimistic for XIII-3.

Any predictions on Lightning Returns? I'm still completely unsure about it.

There seem to be a whole lotta magical girl series out this summer. While I do love magical girls, are any series on the list worth watching? They seem like they're all the same aside from transformation method.

I dunno 'bout Time & Eternity. It may look pretty but it's definitely not a good game.

Some newer friends have been asking me to go do stuff with them lately and every time I've been busy. But since I have a four day weekend I'm finally free to try and bond with these new fellows and we have plans to do something. Problem is they're totally broke and also have no plans on what to do when we hang out.

CU's can also offer pretty good loan rates. I got one for a new car and my rate is way lower than the special one that was offered by the dealership. That and they don't threaten to start charging me because I don't have X-amount or direct deposit set up. BoA was going to just start charging me when I was