Dear Zeus

Can we stop with all the bad advice articles? Because, really, are you kidding me with all of this? I'm going to be 25 and I have a job I hate that is leading me nowhere because I can't get anything else in this market. I'm pumping my savings with as much money as I can in case the inevitable happens but I can't

I think it's because we expected them to end with XIII-2 and then there was the giant cliffhanger was the problem. I didn't really like XIII because I felt the story and game didn't mesh well enough but I actually had a lot of fun with XIII-2. So that's why I'm sort of optimistic for XIII-3.

Any predictions on Lightning Returns? I'm still completely unsure about it.

There seem to be a whole lotta magical girl series out this summer. While I do love magical girls, are any series on the list worth watching? They seem like they're all the same aside from transformation method.

I dunno 'bout Time & Eternity. It may look pretty but it's definitely not a good game.

Some newer friends have been asking me to go do stuff with them lately and every time I've been busy. But since I have a four day weekend I'm finally free to try and bond with these new fellows and we have plans to do something. Problem is they're totally broke and also have no plans on what to do when we hang out.

CU's can also offer pretty good loan rates. I got one for a new car and my rate is way lower than the special one that was offered by the dealership. That and they don't threaten to start charging me because I don't have X-amount or direct deposit set up. BoA was going to just start charging me when I was

I saw a lot of people saying they wanted this for an emulation box but couldn't you build your own with a Raspberry Pi for cheaper than the Ouya? I saw a tutorial on LifeHacker and it seemed simple enough to make even if you don't know how to program. So if that is the case, wouldn't it be easier to make your own

Hm. I'll definitely give it a shot once the season ends. I'm still on the fence and my friends aren't the best judges when it comes to stuff so I dunno if I take their gushing seriously. But thank you for your help, nz! :D

Thanks! Monthly stuff is usually a little less frustrating than weekly so I guess that's a good sign. Though Sailor Moon was monthly and the anime ended up with a shit ton of filler. But I guess filler for Attack on Titan is all that monologue-ing?

Yes, yes, yes. It's all card games where people forget they're supposed to be having fun. I pretty much stopped playing YGO in college because the guys at school who I could play with were assholes. The Magic guys were often the same group too so I just didn't even bother.

So it looks like employment journalists and career advice people are really, really grasping at this point. Just admit things suck and the powers that be won't change it so we can move on to tweaking resumes for the millionth time.

I've been waiting for the "season" to end to just marathon it but it's starting to seem like a never-ending shonen series? Can anyone clarify if the manga has an ending or if it's just going to keep on rolling?

I was discussing certifications in a Crosstalk post a couple weeks ago and saying how useless they felt. I have some second tier certification for my job and pretty much everything I had to "learn" was irrelevant to my job. It's just a pretty piece of paper hung up on the wall for the salespeople to show off to

Of all games a Layton-y one sorta would be a good mobile game so I'm not that peeved. I would like it on my 3DS BUT Level-5 is continuing to localize a lot of stuff so I see this as a positive.

I'm sure there are resources online. I'm not a programmer so I wouldn't know where to begin, really. :/

Created with Unity? A good ole turn based RPG? Well this is lovely news!

This school is now going to adopt the strategy my high school had/has. "We want this thing done in under 45 minutes so speeches will be a minute and as soon as you hear your name get your ass up and walk the outlined path. We want you fuckers outta here before 11."

My new car does that. At first I thought I had left the lights on so I checked... nope, off. I turn the lights on and everything went dim. While I don't hate it, I don't exactly know why they've done it. Is it because they think when your lights are on it's dark and the instruments will be too harsh on your eyes?