Nintendo is still not being any more specific than "Spring 2014," but when Mario Kart 8 gets here, Bowser, Mario,…
Nintendo is still not being any more specific than "Spring 2014," but when Mario Kart 8 gets here, Bowser, Mario,…
Enhance the graphics? P'shaw. What do you think this is? CSI?
"Is there any option to enhance the graphics".
I kinda feel like we're in the Dora the Explorer phase of our evolutionary process...
I beat Super Mario World when I got it for Christmas (back in '91) in a day, though it took two or three to 100% it. I'll admit the Forest of Illusion was a bit tough to figure out, but at least the Forest Ghost House gives a hint because you can SEE two doors above the level. Get a clue, n00bs. :P
My wife became obsessed with Super Mario World last year and she got stuck on the Forest of Illusions. I told her the level she had to go to without directly giving it away, but I'm pretty sure she utilized google.
...Now you formally apologize to your elders for calling their games "stupid".
These newer gaming generations are frankly depressing...
Oh. My. God. No, sadly I do NOT think they're trolling, and I weep for the species.
The xbox /facebook generation is disgusting lol
This makes me cry for humanity. Useless brats.
Wow, this was what happens when you realize not every game has a checkpoint or a cheeky sidekick that tells you what to do
Ha ha. This is kinda hilarious.