
It was successful at one tournament held the day after the game’s release. Maybe we should wait to see if this unstoppable reign of terror lasts through the weekend before we start ringing the “unbalanced” alarm bells.

I’d be surprised if your previous experience includes manually modifying over 10,000 (a number that will grow even bigger by the end of this expansion) individual gear pieces *on a tight schedule* - a key part of their situation that seems to be overlooked.

> I’m not a programmer, nor do I play one on Twitch, but I’ve followed the game for as long, and Yoshida’s been uncommonly forthcoming about facets of his development challenges for a company as obtuse as Square Enix.

Well... concerning the (lack of) Viera helmets, and other odd FF14 quirks...

Oh wow, you really converted me.

yeah, but the other half is super fun player mobility. Especially in titanfall 2 with the grappling hooks

This is probably one of the strongest selling points of the game. I play MTG and love limited, but the entry fee + work means I usually only go to Pre-Release and Release events when they happen. Being able to draft cards whenever I want is a god send for me as a CCG player.

It sounds like Artifact works the same way any other TCG works. TCGs are inherently pay-to-win because you can buy more cards and then have more cards whereas someone who does not buy more cards does not have more cards. It’s very simple.

People are so scarred by the greedy corporations like EA that anytime anything costs money, it’s some big outrage. But like you say in the article, this is how trading cards have functioned for all of their existence. Sure the game is “pay to win,” just like MTG is “pay to win,” just like any hobby based on collecting

I don’t really care how critical received the game is. If something is bad, so be it. There were plenty of gameplay videos out there showing exactly what the game was, and anyone familiar with Bethesda knows that bugs would be a part of the game.

20$ to get in gets you a few starter decks, 10 packs, and 5 event tickets.

Youre not paying just to access the game, youre just required to “Buy” this much stuff to access it.

I was going to skip it entirely until they decided to add a free phantom draft (no prizes), to the queue. If draft is all you are after, and

pay do to anything

Cordoning off tourists isn’t a bad thing. How they tolerated that as long as they did at Tsukiji baffles me.

Fatigue, mostly. It’s not that they named one card, it’s that they named like hundreds of cards, went through multiple iterations, maybe the card effect changed at some point (like was originally ANY card, then changed to Black card later), and no one with fresh eyes were left to look over it.

I can confidently confirm, with the electricity bill in hand and KwH numbers, that it is indeed WAY more efficient to leave the AC off during work hours and turning it on when you get home.

Unless you’re using the new Inverter type ACs, an air conditioner unit will go full blast until it reaches the required temperature and then turn off, then turn on again when the temperature rises to a certain degree. It doesn’t work harder, it just works for a bit longer, a lot less longer than, say, a full 9 work

I think those are some real broad generalizations you’re making there that don’t really account for what the real differences between Western and Japanese games are.

Yah, i remember the police very quickly locking you up, and i’m sure there was some kind of penalty for killing the wrong person.

Don’t you realize that the internet banning together to fuck up someone’s life is like a Black Mirror episode? I’m indifferent to what he did, but even if I had an issue with it, I wouldn’t be going around yelling about what I personally consider to be morally correct. I hate internet lynch mobs and I hate censorship.

I understand the point of this article, and I agree in a lot of ways. Tier lists can be subjective and are often disputed heavily. However, and I can’t speak to other genres like mobas or fps, fighting game tier lists are based on hypothetical match-ups.