
Hi! I was one of the people involved in this games’ making.

That was a discussion that we had while we were making the game! At first, I would’ve preferred if the setting placed it outside of human consideration too, but we eventually decided to have it with this setting simply because our preliminary focus groups all

Ew, screw that. (After mission ranking.) All that would do is introduce more toxicity. We don’t need to turn MonHun into THAT kind of multiplayer experience.

Ah yes, the “Why don’t you get a job!” defense a jealous person has to celebrities. It was so fun being a teenager.

I’m really confused why everyone is so cynical here and trashing youtubers. Y’all don’t see that as fucked up? What if you were in their position? Not only that they are doing something you aren’t capable of. It does take some sort of charisma and talent to become popular. Everyone doesn’t doesn’t become popular

They get a cut from sales on the marketplace as far as I’m aware.

I’ve updated my journal.

Yep, the guy who MADE the mod that popularized this game mode is jumping on a fad, totally.

So far my top three for this season are: Keijo!!!!!!, Occultic;Nine, and Nanbaka.

No mention of Keijo? >_>

Sounds like they’re taking notes from Final Fantasy 14...

It’s getting harder and harder and harder and harder to defend LoL as it continues its slide toward mediocrity and Dota keeps doing shit like this. Why anyone would pay for heroes is beyond me anyway, but the kids love to spend mom's money on them anyway.

My initial reaction to the mother was probably a lot like the initial reaction she must have had to her daughter’s stream. But, by the end of the story, the thought “mother of the year” actually popped into my mind. Kudos to a parent who found a way to connect with her kid and Kudos for an interesting read (nice

FFXIV just translates lots of pre-made phrases automagically via their in game function. Covers a lot of stuff really/

Please read the article before spewing senseless hatred against disappointed fans.

I see your the type of person who actually finishes those big books of sudoku or crossword puzzle books. I never watched the video, don't have to know the game would be boring. FPS games have nothing on this, bad analogy. This game has more in common with Jenga.

“His ult (R) is where things get really crazy. Riot describes it as a time-reversing mechanic that reminds me of games like Prince of Persia, or even Braid.”

I’ma be that guy: Weaver.