
Wrong walking robot franchise.

Drunk, fat, and employed by the TSA is no way to go through life, son.

They figured out he was a fake because he had a warrant to search people.

And the F-ing TSA is so power trippy that many of us would not even question some drunken man dressed in a TSA outfit. What would a real TSA agent do if you requested to see a badge? Or requested that someone else be present during the screening? Probably leave you locked up in the screening room until you missed your

Sadly, under our current legal code, the answer is "yes." Of all the shitty things conservative philosophies have done to us as a nation, their economic policies have to be the farthest-reaching.


Thank god. I always found that silly.


They are calling him "The Unworthy Thor" now.

Hollywood actresses: We need more movies about women and PoC.

I don't think it's fair to cite stats like that in the absence of evidence in this instance of what did or didn't happen. I assume Temkin is innocent until proven guilty, as I hope everyone else does.

Yes, my entire point is that he didn't try to start that conversation. For us as the public, that's the only useful thing he could have done, considering he can't prove to anyone what happened either way (nor can she).

I hope so much that Coco (whoever she is) typed that passive-aggressively while eating dinner.

Oh, sorry, I must've missed the part where Marvel made a bunch of summer blockbusters featuring women in lead roles as these characters?

I found JGL's comments on his character pretty interesting.

"The snide comments and casual racism here is just ridiculous."

"it's cool"

Congratulations. Emily is gonna grow up to be literally the worst.

Good luck with the rest of fatherhood, buddy.