
Those are all free to play games, and get their only source of revenue from microtransactions. Not the same thing as a full-price retail game.

No one thinks that there won't be any on ps4 it's just that Microsoft is actively pushing them in their big budget, 60 dollar first party games while Sony is not.


Oh look, another headline-grabbing publicity stunt by a no-name developer to get more press for their product. Great job, Kotaku.

Just go to on your ps4. Thats basically the ps3/wii u app, except it run a lot better. You can queue stuff from your phone as well.

Me too! It's easy to go by assumptions about people but again, we really don't know about everyone's lives. All of your favourite YT personalities have lives, struggles...they're human and have dealt with shit. Even if you don't like the guys and you don't have to, you just have to remember that they're human.

Aww, this article almost made me cry! Damnit Kotaku! I don't come to your site to cry!

Best of luck to you, Francis!

I feel you. A nurse who took my vitals while I was training for a tri said "Wow, we normally only see this kind of heart rate in athletes!" I told her I was an athlete and she just looked confused. Apparently size 12 and athlete are incompatible in her world.

Maybe if you spend all of your time proselytizing for your cause, as this woman seems to do, it makes it impossible to process the idea that everyone else isn't doing the same thing. The women in the Curvy Girl campaign weren't demanding that everyone who saw their pictures change their bodies to look just like them,

Very much that— that sense of superiority and being privy to exclusive information strengthens their belief that they are in control. Anyone who goes out of their way to call people sheeple are probably the bigger of the sheep, as their incessant need to always feel like they are in control makes them slaves and

Spot on. I also think a big part of it is the sense of superiority. Conspiracy theorists love to believe they're the enlightened ones and therefore better than all the sheeple who swallow the official story.

Holy damn, you're absolutely right. The government created a massive conspiracy so obvious, that the actors are easily and readily findable off Youtube and lone nutbags have absolutely no problem uncovering this thing!

Phew close one!!