
Did he do a reenactment/reference to show TRUEGAMERCRED?

I wish instead they had used cats from Reddit, or that gymnast with her disappointed look, among others. Also Toastie.

Majora's Mask at least let it be known that you would go back in time and could do it again.. XIII-3 doesn't just give a game over at the end of the 13 days does it? As that seems like too much pressure maybe, as I hate time limits like that.

Wait, but XIII-2 ended pretty messed up for me.

Much to the chagrin of many gamers spending $400+ in the coming months, there is no indication quite yet that HBO GO will arrive on Sony's just-launched PS4, but the audience of the PS3 will greatly outnumber next-gen platforms for quite some time, so it is unsurprising that a current generation app seems to be a



I don't know Stephen, we seem to have very different taste in games.

I don't know Stephen, we seem to have very different taste in games.

It's weird that they waited so long to do so.

Rob Ford is basically a right-wing radio-show host. He's Rush Limbaugh from Toronto.

They go shockingly well together.. just need a thing to fill out the gap to create THE ULTIMATE NEXT GEN CONSOLE!

I'd go check out wikipedia on it, it was mostly great, except it had a good pile of Deus Ex Machina in the most literal sense.

Will Smith and his vintage Converse shoes.

Spoiler: That was the point.

And that, is how you do a product teardown!

Does this turn the PS4 on?

Jumping Flash 3?

No, derpington is going to force everyone at Amazon to watch Reign of Fire for 2 weeks straight.