
She’s old enough to be his mother?!?!?!

are you guys new to the kinja layout?

Directed by Clint Eastwood?

If he was a better kicker, the giants wouldn’t have cut him.

You think Cleveland wouldn’t sign IT, build around him, the BKN pick and either Love, or parts they get for love?

Wait, what don’t you see in Irving??

It feels like an over pay that might not be an over pay. Much like the Manny Rameriz contract.

Tim Tebow Tv is liberal?

wait, i thought the racists WERE the snowflakes.

Such a non-story that became a story.

He’s Richie Sexson guys. We all knew this.

The fact that this show exists makes me know why people hate america

Let’s not go pretending that irving is some HUGE upgrade defensively.

This is awful. Can’t wait for this “fight” to be over.

Everyone you see in this world sees you twice.

sweat pants and yoga pants are just wrong... Act like you showered today.

nope. Ever since we’ve decided, as a society, yoga pants are every day attire.

US airlines are now indistinguishable from walmarts.

Guys, please keep politics out of sports