My general rule: never hug nobody!
My general rule: never hug nobody!
I would never hug a co worker. I had a male coworker who liked hugging, very effectionate. Loved that it made me recoil.
Dude was MVP candidate when he was 25!!
Tell us more about these tamales...
1. Does it? And is it truly as bad as everything thinks it is?
What makes Serena an expert on this topic?
how dare you
This is actually a very interesting and thought out discussion. I enjoyed it.
Professional is a bit of a loose term, but he is a very active and skilled woodworker.
I was just posting the opposite because Krakowski annoyes me.
Conversely I’m pretty sick of Krakowski
It’s called “losing ratings to colbert”
I’m all set with things Beyonce. Have been for a while.
Is this another example of CelebrityPrivledge where they think they can just take whatever they want with no repercussions? Looking at you kahrdashians
Glad to know the blue lives matter crowd also celebrated white women matter
Most people have no idea of health care costs because their employer pays a HUGE chunk of it so they pay only $200-500 a month and it comes right out of their paycheck.
It’s because no one understands healthcare. So they think it’s government handouts. When in reality many of the right are benefits of these programs more than liberals and “liberal elites”
So it only took him being on his death bed to finally shed the stink of 2008?
Agreed, slaves aren’t free. Neither are machines but they’re cheaper.