
This is Dakota, isn’t it?

They’re stuck in sports radio but aren’t really sports radio. They truly are DJs that happen to like sports that got stuck on a sports radio during the change over.

That guy is a pile of human garbage. That’s why he works at weei.

Felger sucks.

or deflates some footballs!

If meant be less black then he’s exactly right.

ok espn:

Is the problem really with the democrates? Or with the voters?

Passing only helps if you can do ANYTHING else with the ball, which he has serious red flags with (dribbling & shooting). His shooting isn’t actually all that bad but he’s struggled getting shots off and it will be harder with real NBA defenders.

Except he’ll be less effective without a true threat of a dribble off the PNR.

Except for in the net.

This is no different how ESPN fails to have any journalistic integrity after becoming partners with NFL & NBA. They’re profit is now tied to the very league they’re supposed to “cover”.

Lebron feels more like a clipper than a laker.

before or after they burn more of his jerseys?

The context of how he was a revolutionary player that defeated a real life super specimen of a human being repeatedly?

They won’t look at 4 different teams and think “If he was so good, why did he get moved around so much?”.

Lebron isn’t going to fire the GM (who was lebron) so this mess is his fault.

Lebron has run his team into the ground AGAIN by making bad moves as GM. Love for Wiggins? Looks worse & worse every year.

while both officers involved in the shooting of Justine Damond had on body cameras, they were not turned on.