
What does that mean? THREE scoops of ice cream? Sleep in the same bedroom?

I don’t think she can until the contract runs out.

So fast???

The debt is all owned by russia/china.

Not to mention it makes SO MUCH SENSE. SKittles is usually rainbow. Take out the color: white.

here’s a hint: It’s all sponsored.

you’re going to tape or wear braces anyways.

you’re going to tape or wear braces anyways.

Actually the opposite. If the players want to maximize their revenue, they need players to play as long as possible (experience = more money in the NBA salary system) so getting in early means more backend money for better players.

You know what I find more boring? Players sitting on the bench not in uniform. Why are they even there? Put them in the locker room and let them wear thongs.

Don’t forget fixing out comes of games.

It’d be the white house correspondants dinner all over again.

The water is fine guys. It’s the pipes that are poison.

Nah, Bogut is australia.

Trump doesn’t like aussies much

Zaza is an immigrant, why would HE of all the guys go?

The grammar and lack of spelling. Wonderful. Maybe women are better at that?

Not to mention it makes the game a lot more boring. Rallies are dead.

What did he say that was political? Dead vs live balls?

Am I the only one bored by homer runs? It’s too much, nothing, nothing, walk, home run.