starbucks is the most offensive part of this!
starbucks is the most offensive part of this!
I’m 6'4", 270, 37. I’m no where near close to dunking like I use to.
Fake news: 2 hand dunk easier than 1 hand dunk.
Really? Maybe you forget how bad he is at finding role players to give him a chance?
It’s amazing at how well the Warriors mesh and spread the ball.
This sounds snarky but if you don’t like how the warriors play then you don’t like basketball. They all pass because they know they have good shooters and they know they’ll get the ball back.
KD is gone, especially with the ring.
Fleeing from westbrook? Agreed.
I mean they will need to replace Durant so this will make sense.
taking his talents to the bay?
The problem is Lebron doesn’t believe that. That’s part of their problem. Similar to OKC where westbrook goes solo thinking he can do it all.
no. but damn he’s playing good.
don’t put cleveland in GS class... they just are in the east.
he fades at end of games as it is, so when do you sit them?
cavs have no idea how to close out games. they go too much iso (like the problem wit okc) and hope kyrie and lebron bail them out with amazing shot making on bad shot selection
cleveland and columbus are different places?
when a reporter asked James an objectively silly question about defending his home court
When things aren’t going his way in the Finals, he gets sassy as hell.
Not quite. IT’s more about equal opportunities for all students regardless of gender.
I love this concept: High T division, low T division. Heck, it could even help with some of the steroid issues: High T and SUPER high T. Like stock cars (drag racing?)