
People from Illinois have some nerve complaining about other drivers, FIBs.

and your neighbor who works the store room at walmart somehow owns one

The guy in the Mercury Mariner behind them went to trade it in immediately after

This is an old problem dating back to the VCR days. Many kids, in a moment of perfect gestalt, noted that a peanut butter sandwich would fit right into the tape cassette slot.

I can only imagine how someone who is actually about to get fucked feels.

Oh yea. Plus he’s buying all those death penalty drugs that we can’t use.

Well, you’ll notice Pete Rickett’s name wasn’t mentioned as having contributed to Trump’s campaign. That’s because he’s busy contributing to campaigns of opponents to every Nebraska senator who has ever opposed him (which is quite a bigly number). If he can’t persuade senators to vote with him, he’ll just make sure

Who are these parents? “Oh you want grilled chicken without grill marks... guess you are going hungry then!” I used to try and pull stupid shit like this when I was a kid but my parents never caved in... they would always tell me “This is what we are having for dinner, if you don’t want it don’t eat it... but we are

If I were him, because of the fines, I’d rid myself of it and find the largest, ugliest rusted busted piece of shit car I could find and park it there until I died. Problem with our society today is everyone is nosey and are habitually offended by nothing.

If you think about it, any story about food is the beginning of a poop story.

Yes I am! The deep depression I was immediately under has me not able to remember what happened next, but I'm pretty sure she moved on to a different word for the next participant.

I’ll stick with a plastic jar.

You can't just blatantly copy Kichenette.

I'm lucky enough to have a career that supports both of us, but regardless of that, I think for money problems to be solved and avoid finger pointing and the blame game, money needs to be a shared effort in a marriage. Couples cohabitating? Well you're on your own there. Too many issues and problems of marriage

My father did a great job of having myself and my other siblings spend 2-3 hours per Sunday to work on the house/yard. I really learned some invaluable skills from him.