Has anyone questioned Hillary yet?
I mean, we can wait a few months until the emails leak, but I feel we should probably find out more ASAP.
Has anyone questioned Hillary yet?
I mean, we can wait a few months until the emails leak, but I feel we should probably find out more ASAP.
Sped way up to make it look cooler but yea
I get why the GIF is sped up now, the Alfa really isn’t all that fast. Makes a lot of noise, but doesn’t seem to be quick.
Before you climb down off the high horse, maybe read about the Apollo program where 3 guys died in a pad test. Different fuck up, but dead none the less. Then read people like Chris Craft, who ran the damn program, who said that we only barely got to the moon and we did it with accepting levels of risk that would…
My fiat can do this. I promise.
Dialogue of first 20 seconds:
Awwww. Do you not like it when women don’t follow the rules that you think they should live by? I mean, how dare they not conform to your ideal of how they should act.
Dear ‘Murricans on Jalopnik - please stop being stupid. Can You? Please?
They should put one of those Lamborghini exhausts from Mopar on it. Maybe a supercharger in the intake manifold as well.
I can see the fedora in this post...
It was a good day for an apocalypse.
Simple, the WRC car doesn’t use the STI’s 2.5li EJ25, but the WRX’s 2.0li FA20. Because of rules and other customization the STI’s gearbox, differentials, suspension and brakes are also all thrown out.
I tell you what, that swastika was certainly unexpected.
I don’t know.
Change gear, change gear, change gear, check mirror... murder a prostitute. Change gear, change gear, murder.
The F-35 eliminates situations where defense contractors are unable to afford trail-access lodges in Aspen AND Jackson Hole.
If you watched the video, you would understand why they used the VH engine. The regulations in their principality mean that a motor with an LS-size displacement would have to stay naturally aspirated, whereas they can run a smaller V8 with FI. They also recognize that neither is a strictly better way to make power,…
Neither are killjoys.
answer is.... Saab-aru... ;)
Well, it helps that you don’t have to line the pockets of the entire executive management staff at Lockheed-Martin.