get out.
get out.
The circle-hexagon thing in the middle of the rear of TIEs are solar ionization reactors, not engines, and it’s a constant mistake made by SW fan artists. Their engines are the pair tiny red dots to either side. TIE = twin ion engine. Nonetheless it is great art.
Does that mean he’s not coming on then?
As a very frequent flyer and one who hates the airlines, I don’t think I can take the side of the family here. Once then 18 year old got on that other flight his seat was forfeited.
I can ask my cousin. He was lead on the advertisement for the original movie.
That’s exactly what someone deep into this would say.
You’d think with all the panel gaps, ventilation would be fantastic.
It is still not clear to the family how Malachi got his hands on the dangerous weapon. Stephens said that he got the gun from a friend who got it from someone else. Investigators are looking into finding out who originally had the gun and passed it to the friend, the news station notes.
To some car enthusiasts this will sound like blasphemy, but after lots of thought and wrenching on junky cars, I’ve…
D.B. Pooper
Did you mean to use a picture of an ACTUAL Lambo???
In no particular order:
Hmm I have to disagree. Many car companies overbadge their cars imo.. de-badging ain’t so bad.
So many choices, but I think I’ll have to go with flying the Confederate flag. Rear window sticker, bumper sticker, actual aerial flag, whatever. Lets everyone know exactly how giant of an idiot they are.