
I once got a bee in my motorcycle helmet...needless to say I no longer ride with the visor up.

This bike was my starter bike and I could not disagree more. Its narrow and light weight and nothing and I mean NOTHING corners like a Daytona. I have owned mine for 4 years now and it still excites me. I have done many track days and have even raced it in its stock config and it is flawless and surprisingly

the semblance seems a little uncanny.

Im 24 and my insurance is $122/month its awful.

I have always been fascinated with these.

Aside from the exhaust note the chirp of the engine is intoxicating. When the dealership turned it on for me to go for the test drive I was sold. Didn't even need to get on it to know that that was my bike.

Is that a two brothers I see on yours? My pic was taken before I added everything, including a two brothers exhaust. Nothing screams like a daytona, nothing!

Ill just leave this here.

Can't imagine a situation where that would be a good thing.

Looks like something is leaking out of the bottom of the Gallardo. Anyone else see / know what that is?