The Day Man

Well clearly you’re the fool.

Living in Arizona, I’ve been stopped while jogging at night. Why was I jogging at night, officer? Because it’s July and this is the only time when it’s under 100 degrees. Just like the half dozen other people who I passed by this evening who aren’t being asked this stupid question.

Nah, the solution isn’t for the bullied to learn how “to give it back.” The solution is for people not to be assholes in the first place.

Watching movies at the theater. You have hit rock bottom. Go outside, experience life...

The defensiveness in the comments here is crazy. Yeah, there’s bad behavior in other leagues. But the numbers for OWL are out of control. The NBA has almost four times as many active players as OWL (not to mention the G League), the NFL has something like fourteen times the number of players. It would be bonkers as

At this point, Overwatch League is more interesting as a social experiment than a competitive sporting event. “What would happen if we had a group of people with no life experience outside the confines of the internet video game culture and then suddenly thrust them into the public spotlight?”.

When you get dumped from government work in Florida for being a white supremacist with your face associated with racism, where do you find you next job? Alabama, land of GOP pedophilia?

Probably just dye her hair blonde and get a job at Fox News/Breitbart.

Unfriendly reminder to these dipshits that if they ever achieved their dreams of a white ethnostate, the whitest whites would start scapegoating the less-white-whites for their society’s issues and ills and “having a hard conversation about who really is and isn’t white” before they could blink.

Well, there goes my claim that nobody uses the term Negroid any more. Although I kinda love the term Caucasoid for its absolute ignorance while being used to espouse supposed mental superiority.

Good. In a just world she would have this follow her for the remainder of her days. Fucking white people feeling aggrieved gets funnier and funnier to me and especially today after rewatching chappelle’s recent Netflix specials.

Forsen’s claim that “I can watch what I say; I cannot watch what my community does” is valid up to a point.

No entertainer can ever be held fully responsible for the actions of one or more members of their audience; people are strange, and they take material meant for entertainment as a foundational/guiding principle

“No, no, no, no. You cannot have both. I can watch what I say; I cannot watch what my community does. Are you fucking serious?”

Wow no lance users? That is surprising! The lance is so amazing now.

can you not plz thx

no idea what that’s supposed to mean

He has seen a boob in person.

I’d say that part of me is eagerly awaiting his inevitable upcoming sex scandal but I’m not sure that he’s actually even seen a boob in person. 

It’s funny how Ajit Pai is a person of color, he’s Indian, and his parents are immigrants, and yet he’s sided with the exact kind of ultra-conservative groups and policies that actively work against people like him, as well as ordinary working-class people in general. He’s a traitor, not just to Barack Obama, but to

Ajit Pai’s testicles should be crushed in a vise, and then the vise should be thrown off of a steep cliff.