Davy M Jones

Yeah, in terms of the series' religious undertones I can agree. I'm more irked by diary entry style books and fairly recent history books where those events could have simply happened in the game properly instead being described down to the players. I just think Bethesda used the books too much as a storytelling

I almost snorted out of laughter at the idea of taking Elder Scrolls lore seriously. They do such a poor job of telling the story...

This one is fucking cool and you can't convince me otherwise.

Plot twist, kid gets Xbone, asks for games, Santa says he'll be "keeping an eye" on his behaviour...

Thats 'Red Dwarf', a British TV Sci-Fi Comedy. The asian guy in in the monitor at the back. The place usually taken up by an AI program called Holly who has an IQ of less than 80.

This was the most clever of all of them. The rest are all meh.

I didn't even make the top five!? Damn. I was sure I'd make it. Oh well.

Never seen a power brick the size of an actual brick.

X is the next gen JRPG we deserve.

Was there, saw a bunch of these Xbones sitting on the shelf and I walked away with none...

I couldn't agree more. I typically play Medic, but in MvM, I fall back on my alt, the Engie. Medic was useless in MvM before this. Now, though? Totally fun to play a medic in MvM. I just hope they can work-out the bugs quickly.

PS4 can turn you into a real princess. That's all the reason I need to buy it.


Nope, fall to my death, only option

it's entirely possible that one person had every intention of selling/buying the item, and when the time came to exchange goods, a gun was drawn and threatened, and then quite possibly the other person drew a weapon also.

Touche my good man. Add lego man head to outfit and you win!

"... The other is stripping vampires."
No downsides GG nothing can compete.

First one, then the other ;)

It's all there in black and white. Clear as crystal!

Holy shit there are so many trolls in this post...