How is it a false dichotomy? “Context matters” is an almost universally true axiom, and I can’t see any reason for pretending it doesn’t matter other than ignorance or malice.
How is it a false dichotomy? “Context matters” is an almost universally true axiom, and I can’t see any reason for pretending it doesn’t matter other than ignorance or malice.
I’ve never been offended by being called a cracker. A slur needs to have power behind it to be a slur. It’s fair to say being called a racist has special power behind it for white people in the U.S. — I certainly am offended if someone calls me racist.
Okay, I see the problem at this point, but could you please point out that the link to the the book on Amazon is the AUSTRALIAN version of Amazon?
I think whether something is a “masterpiece” is almost always a matter of opinion, but this was undeniably a more masterfully executed translation of vision than any other translation of Dune.
That doesn’t give you a blank check to just scream the n-word over and over for an hour. Why do you think it gives you a blank check to say anything harmful you like?
“It’s just a joke” isn’t a defense for being an asshole.
I’ve watched the special multiple times and I’m not hearing where the offense is coming from. Is it because he claimed to be team NAZI? How is that harmful to you or anyone else? You disagree with him, he disagrees with you.
Yeah, but you don’t get a notification anywhere when they do. Equally stupid, you can’t hold an actual conversation.
It makes me so happy when people respond complaining. You know you’re helping their traffic by coming here and even more by commenting on the article right? And all those people liking your comment?
I only accept people who use the standard and appropriate thee/thou pronoun rather than the vulgar you.
Of course anything taken to excess, or spoken in the wrong tone in this case, is going to change the meaning.
This guy’s first investment, completely on a crazy bet of an idea, into GameStop was $53,566.04
Hey! I got a writer to respond to my nonsense, cool.
I can’t imagine Moderna or J&J are far behind, but I guess I don’t know either.
What can I say, I lol’ed
Given the differences, would it make sense for someone to offer the J&J vaccine “off-label”?
Do people actually do all their laundry work (folding, pre-treating, etc.) in the laundry area?
To be certain, I think there was a mad rush to get the vaccine. I don’t really know how it compares historically, but at peak, there were 4.46 million vax shots in one day (April 1... oddly enough. April 8 came close also). It slowed after that but by July 4th, 67% of America was vaccinated (I keep seeing just the…
That some people do one thing doesn’t negate the fact that other people do a different thing.
If the whole premise is owning the game long term then you don’t get to list selling it as a bonus.