
I vastly prefer actually owning something I buy, rather than having a license to a digital version that I may or may not be able to get in the future.

The article could have literally just been this.

Thank God we have you to police this situation. Do you know when you’re going to be arriving on the scene to conduct the investigation and determine guilt here, or are you just casting blame at someone whose house was just set on fucking fire?

People, what a bunch of bastards. Bastard coated bastards with bastard filling.

And let them get away with their nonsensical adding and deleting of whitespace?!?!

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had issues because someone made random whitespace changes that end up causing a merge conflict even though there are no functional differences.

As well thought-out as most of the complaints about the game.

Thanks for calling this out. Not only is it shitty that they’re charging a premium for people to have a chance to get a system — and if you look into threads when GameStop drops, some people without premium are saying they got them before the premium users even had a chance, so it’s not a great chance -- but the

Yeah, I’ve tried 3 or 4 times now to get one from Sony Direct. Still no luck.

By that logic, why shouldn’t I just buy from a scalper then? They “got more consoles in the hands of gamers” in the end. I could quit trying to buy one every few days from GameStop, Best Buy, Amazon, New Egg, Target, etc. etc. etc. and just spend a few hundred extra to have one now.

Let’s talk about Best Buy’s system. Because anytime I’ve tried to get a PS5 from Best Buy, they require you to do in-store pickup.

You can pay click farms overseas fractions of a penny to solve CAPTCHAs for you. They take almost no time and guarantee certain solve rates (e.g., pay this amount for 85% minimum solve rate, pay this for 95% minimum solve rate).

Requiring ID to prevent poor people and minorities from voting is bad, especially when there is almost no instances of fraud and absolutely ZERO instances of widespread fraud. The ID thing is a blatant attempt at suppressing voters, and that’s why it’s bad. No argument, no “oh ho ho, but GPUs, blah blah blah.”

> What have people like you done?

How is it so many have so much trouble understanding what “tolerance” means?

I absolutely love this game, my only problem is whether I like it or the original more, but either way, both games are in my top 10 of all time, and I would absolutely describe TLOU2 as a masterpiece.

No, you’re right, that is true. Though, I really wonder, had Lev been assigned as a warrior like Yara, there may have been exactly 0 major issues staying with the Seraphites. That is to say, even if they continually dead-named him or whatever other micro-aggressions they certainly would have thrown at him, I don’t

Ellie looked plain in her final chapter?

Everything in Lev’s story is predicated on his identify tho... Yes, it’s not addressed in depth within the context of interactions with Abby or interactions with Yara, but it’s fundamental to everything about Lev.

There’s so much wrong with this understanding of, e.g., Joel, I hardly know where to begin.