
Having a badly designed website and pushing out an update that is badly designed are two different ways of doing the wrong thing.

Would it? Like John McEnroe?

And it’s weird to me how you’re admitting what he did is wrong but then trying to excuse it or criticism of him and more widely why people who are supposedly in the same political grouping as me (socially progressive leftwing) turn a blind eye to bigotry as long as the person sounds good on economic issues.

By the way, these fucking... all of these c****, dude, on CNN and every other establishment outlet. They, none of them can even say this motherfucker’s name right, dude. Goddamn. If you’re gonna fucking act like they’re being racist, the least you can, you dumb shits, is say the man’s name right, dude. “Chunk Weger”.

I don’t have anything truly meaningful to add to this, just one general “wtf.”

This is such a stupid area. Why is this such a pain still? Why aren’t electric toothbrushes (that work well) cheaper than they are? Why don’t full mouth brushes work for shit (e.g. AmaBrush which was KickStarted, and was a terrible product and now there are a bunch of terrible knockoffs)? WHY HAVE WE FAILED SO MUCH AS

And vision insurance. Why are dentists and optometrists special when it comes to insurance?

Yeah, but they don’t (.... shouldn’t) scrape your gums with those metal picks.

All of this debate about albumin and whatever else, but no one is going to note that you preferred *CATFISH* over salmon?!? Catfish being a fairly dirty, bottom feeding fish (which, yes, can absolutely cleaned up to taste just fine BUT STILL!).

Poe’s law.

Stupid choice. Something like Slack would have been appropriate for both community and archive; Discord is a very poor choice.

I mean... it is neither a beach nor is anyone “swimming” in a hot tub.

EXACTLY! Because if the game made you feel bad about choices that you didn’t make, it sounds like something’s broken in your brain! I know when Anakin killed those kids in Episode 3, I felt guilty for weeks, right?!

This was a decent example of Betteridge’s law of headlines

I asked my “provider” about laminating the card.

I’m no lawyer, but I’m pretty sure those testifying are strongly discouraged from giving argumentative answers like that. I believe it’s usually up to the opposition’s lawyers to present a contrary argument i.e. “Mr. Allison, you testified that it was possible to access illicit content via the Epic Store according to

But Apple is still ignoring the fact that *by their own argument* they are also 1) claiming they are not selling porn and 2) via the browser(s) in their own app store, are “selling porn” (by their definition).

As many Americans complain about Apple’s curated garden stance on these gardens as any other country, among those who are technically literate enough to understand what it means when Apple says they’re “protecting” their users.

No, it fucking is not “modern liberalism.”

Or parens