
“Kinda like” sure, but I won’t have anyone suggesting Evans and Downey were Marvel’s most troublesome! That title clearly goes to Tom Holland, that little secret dropping punk.

My problem with the SC was, most importantly, off-center placement of the buttons (ABXY) combined with no differentiation between them (either setting them at a convenient angle e.g. SNES or using different sizes/positions e.g. GameCube) meant I was constantly getting my finger placement off and hitting the wrong

Wouldn’t work — they’d be far more likely to spread the BLM message than their own. The point of co-opting the okay signal was to hide in plain sight, subtly spreading their own message. Could find a way to subvert it, by combining with some other event (I dunno while teabagging) to mock it or something, but within

Absolutely true, context still matters. A Buddhist using the Swastika almost certainly has nothing to do with Nazis. A bunch of white Americans posing with the okay sign for a picture, could be innocuous, but that was the whole point for them to co-opt the symbol.

The game has so much detail and I loved it, but...

Necessity is the mother of invention.

The “big win,” actually, something along those lines. I remember because next to the big catch picture is a hockey team apparently celebrating, so I started googling Seattle hockey and that very clearly didn’t seem right since all the combos prior to that could be found entirely within the game.

Double tap the touch pad I believe.

Spoilers for anyone who doesn’t want to know

Really, REALLY appreciate you putting out this comment and sharing, even if it risks people responding with toxicity. Makes me feel like I’m not crazy when I hear the libertarians I know complain about the state of the world right now, even as we see things like this:

I didn’t like a lot about Angry Joe’s review, but he did give it a 6/10

“modern” (though some examples are stretching the definition of that word)

I don’t think that’s true, but before I argue with you, can you provide the receipts for your arguments? Some channels that you can cite and reviewers who were saying they were “harassed”?

r/thelastofus tends to be the best subreddit for discussion from what I’ve seen.

Generally I agree with you, but the spoiler here is in the title and there’s very little legitimate arguments that just that statement doesn’t spoil part of the story. If I hadn’t dedicated the weekend to finish it as quickly as possible already because I knew people were actively trying to spoil it, reading my RSS

You know, I’m usually on the side that people complaining about spoilers are just whining — to be clear, I’m against spoiling things for someone, but usually people complaining about the spoilers on Kotaku are just wrong, but... in the title? I read Kotaku through RSS, which means if I didn’t know, it would have been

I don’t really see any of those as problems though.

Now playing


So..... what’s your point?

Even if you live in a perceived “solid red state” vote.