David Woodley

Avs fan here, saw this live. It was hard to tell if the first shot hit the goalie or if Briere actually knocked it down to himself out of the air. Either way I'm just glad not to be playing the fucking Wild anymore.

Both of these fan bases are trash, so its fitting. Also like how the tough guys throwing the trash immediately stop when they see the security guard walking up.

That's two straight butt-whippings for the Vikings

This sounds like an extremely volatile and tense situation, but I'm oddly happy that it involves a level-headed guy like Miller, who won't let all this craziness prevent him from plugging his dog's twitter account.

Why? Every year, any player on LTIR has to "fail" a physical administered by an NHL (not a team) doctor before he can be placed on LTIR. This is not a "loophole" to aging players.

"Of course, with the way they dicked Harding around this summer before he finally signed an extension, it seems even the team doesn't really buy it."

This is 100% pure fiction.

Harding signed a 3 year deal back in 2012, he is under contract this year and is a UFA after the season.

You may have been referring to

Best Klans In Baseball

Sounds like she's on quite the Journey.

As someone who is watching this disaster of a game, he didn't faint, he just lost his balance very very slowly, he tried to hold as long as he could prior to the snap.

Rusty Kuntz is the hero the AL Central Deserves:

Ya know the old joke about looking up a word in the dictionary and seeing such-and-such's face. Well...if you look up strikeout on Wikipedia...

"Now go out and put a whoopin' on Atlanta"

No I usually comment as Cement Brad

I thought if there was anyone who should understand that people make mistakes, it would be Christian Ponder's wife.

Zygi Wilf and the Vikings Management on

Note to self: do not get born to Adrian Peterson.

Welcome to Kinja, Mr. Goodell.

chupacabra69 is ominously missing from this list. I'd expect better, titz69.