
While quite exciting news, I’m also slightly surprised because with the current direction, I was almost certain that Nora would become a series regular on the potential fourth season and the two characters occupy a similar space.

...People who didn’t know 60 years of comic book publishing history were confused as to...

The best answer usually is the simplest. To bad. I was hoping this was Marco’s silent cry of “He-lp me-ee kids. I’m trapped in this glass box and I can’t get ou-t! They’re making me sa-ay these thi-ings!”

No, I do not consider that an imminent threat. Nobody would have died or gotten injured if they had just ASKED “Who are you? Where were you? What are you planing?” and gone from there, instead of rushing up and forcing a mind melt on Saru. ESPECIALLY with his daughter present. How about asking HER what this going on

Khalil feels more like Chuck Clayton than Riverdale’s, yet they’re the same guy!

OK, I seriously need to know where Gambi’s getting his funding. He’s as much of a tailor as Garak at this point.

You pull turds out of your ass?

I like the glowing head lights. That’s very Braniac.

“The sparkly lightning pieces on the chest and belt look a little out of place compared to the rest of the suit”

I’d be fine if they ditched the Struckers completely, as long as we had more Esme, Sophie and Phoebe.


You totally need to smoke more drugs.

What? Really?


I think the previous business model was to show Zack Snyder a comic book. Then give him some cheese before bedtime, and film his nightmares.

Kinda goes without saying at this point :)

CW/DC Deathstroke > DC Movieverse

I like them all except Zatana. It just...looks absolutely nothing like what the character is supposed to look like, or has ever really looked like.

My thought process went “glowing blue eye, biker jacket, punk, who is this? Oh, it says Zatanna. ‘She does wear the top hat with this,’ is she a big Guns & Roses fan?”

That Zatanna design is horrendous. Sure, when I think “magician” I think “cyberpunk/post-apocalypse”. Literally looks like that one character from the first Watch Dogs.