
It's not the fact at issue. It's the placement of the fact. When asked about the dearth of female characters with strong roles, he moves into an issue of physical strength. However, please go ahead and ignore my point, which is that in my experience, racists, sexists and homophobes want to say racist, sexist and

I refer to this as the "racist butt" problem. As in, "I'm not racist, but..." followed by something horribly offensive supposedly generalized from anecdotal experience or crap the person saw in the movies.

Check this out, then. It crashed on Firefox for me, but works fine in Chrome.

As my wife and I were falling in love, we bonded over Land of the Lost, Merlin, Star Wars and atheism — all things we discovered between 1974 and 1978. I had lost my Merlin somewhere over the years, and her brother stole and re-sold hers, but eBay is always good for that sort of thing. Made for a great Christmas

Merlin, the Electronic Wizard. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merlin_%28game%29

I'd like, therefore, to propose the new idiomatic expression, "rare as a Chillingham bull." Or "to Chillingham" someone — in the sense of exiling the person to a small group who must be isolated from everyone else such that if someone from the world outside the exiled group touches them, they'll be even further

Yeah, but the point is I wouldn't run if I figured they would be looking for me. I wouldn't think I could get away with it.

The problem is that these days most people don't know how to flee. Wired's Evan Ratliff had all sorts of resources and know-how, and he made less than a month before being discovered. http://www.wired.com/vanish/

Now I'm hungry...

Really? Because Steven Harper seems in fine health. To be fair, he doesn't seem to have gone after any foreskins yet.

You are clearly deliberately misinterpreting a Biblical passage for your own evil atheistic ends. David brought those foreskins to his leader as proof that he had killed 200 Philistines. If you want an equivalent, you must ask how many Canadian foreskins you would need to bring to President Obama in order to be

I think that, for example, in the Cambrian period (about 500 million years ago) the Earth was significantly hotter than it is now. If the wording had been something more like "historical low" or "lowest point since we started measuring" then that would have worked better. Which is to say, I think it was a nit-pick.

Upon finishing this excellent article, I realized I had read the entire thing in my head in the voice of an old newsreel. Which was fun.

Let's not forget that in the US and Canada, government routinely withdraws funding from climate research that does not serve the economy, and that throughout the western world, big pharma and other corporate interests put large amounts of muscle to skew science in just the way they want. Good science goes on in those

I've got you down for June. I only picked such a late date because that's a couple of months before the next movie gets released. You're totally right that it would be hard to sustain this longer. However, the re-assertion of Parker might be as much as a six-month event.

Sounds about right. Seems like after Miller everyone wanted to have those two throw down every couple of years. But you can only get your first kiss once...

I know. That's the story they were referencing, though. That particular panel — I don't know. The art looks familiar. Almost Jim Lee from maybe ten years ago.

Dear Mr. Mega,

1: Uncanny X-Men #163, from, I don't know, 1982, maybe?

Let's start a pool on when he comes back. I've got March 2014. As in the comic will come out in that month. I can never keep track of actual cover dates.