Charlie, I really like and respect a lot of what you write here — in fact, you're one of the big reasons I keep coming back. But I think you're way off base here.
Charlie, I really like and respect a lot of what you write here — in fact, you're one of the big reasons I keep coming back. But I think you're way off base here.
That does sound like fun.
Your ass has needed a compass more times than you can count? Are you a boy scout? Or rather, is your ass a boy scout?
I like "tasteful and fun" as benchmarks. I also want to see a cliffhanger that's fair. As with most good endings, it has to be something that I might not have been able to predict, but is nonetheless reasonable and, in light of everything that leads up to it, FEELS like I should have been able to predict. It has to…
I don't buy your definition of a cliffhanger. It's true, I think, that a good cliffhanger holds true to the dramatic promises that it makes — no easy solutions, no cheatsy you-didn't-notice-he-got-out-of-the-car-before-it-exploded — but some of the cliffhangers above were fun and tense. Sure, all the toys went back…
Done. Thanks for putting that link there. I didn't donate much, but I'm hoping that every bit helps. I, like many others who have commented, was much inspired by his seminal runs on Rom and The Mirconauts. The donation was easy to do, and my only regret is that I can't do more right now.
Could not agree more. I saw it that first summer, and all these years later that picture still gets my heart racing. It meant impossibly more than it could have. I think it's how my daughter feels about that orphan at wizard school.
Pietro Maximoff. Most notably in the Ultimate universe, where it got really squicky. But even in the 616, I remember as far back as the mid-seventies thinking he was a little too focused on her.
Yes, we talk about it. But Cap gives him a pass.
Wouldn't it be cool if the "shocking ending" were something like, "and then they sit down and talk about their differences of opinion"?
Any chance you could remove one of the prepositions from that question? It has too many.
The following is not sarcastic: That was a really nice clarification. If everybody took the care to re-read what they have written and cop to it when they realized their tone was a little off or that their sarcasm might not have come through, things would be a lot more peaceful. Well done.
Rock on, brother. Gets a longer shower and a smoother shave.
Seriously? Because my high school physics did star-formation, relativity, double-slit experiments, the tiniest little bit of quantum mechanics, and some anti-matter. Thirty years ago, but still. And that was all in the textbook. Mr. Monks was an awesome teacher, too.
Because of io9. It's a website that features news, opinions and other tidbits related to SF. You often comment here. It's Wednesday. The planet is earth. Brane 67A6 in the Southern Cluster. Singularity minus 17 years.
Before this moment, I had never heard the expression "no soap." Thank you. I tried to find someplace to use it right away, but no dice. I'll keep looking.
That's actually among a few changes Scott actually did make. Check out his new version:
Perhaps you just haven't met the right lady or fella.