David Failkips

Sigh...there’s a world of difference between the real situation of this white boy and your strawman argument. It’s a matter of how a society treats a person regarding their behavior versus how the legal world treats them. For this smirking shit, he will face no legal repercussions for his actions. Tomorrow, he will

Pretty soon, the narrative will be that this poor boy was just leading a prayer circle for all the dead babies they couldn’t save because of sluts and their abortions, when all of a sudden this crazy old man came up to him with a tomahawk and tried to scalp him. However, the media doesn’t show that, just show him

THREE black guys were “intimidating?” Wow. So these kids are pussies as well as racists?  You’re a little short on evidence, still.

I don’t want to seem harsh, but if you’re poisoned by mushrooms after taking foraging advice from an instagram influencer, maybe that’s just nature’s way of thinning the herd.

I’m gonna be real steamed if I find out that the comments on breitbart are posted by real humans rather than a janky neural network trained on foxnews tags and racist buzzwords. Real steamed.

Alien killed nearly every character. If you think certain characters can’t be killed, you’re watching the wrong series.

So wait...you mean to say that in this horror franchise in which unspeakable horror happens to the protagonists in a horrific fashion that’s absolutely horrifying...the next movie opens suggesting that the happy ending of the previous movie was actually kind of horrific?

magic mushrooms tend to also have bits of vermiculite which while they won’t hurt you certainly aren’t tasty.

So, another link between Cheeto Benito and Roy Moore… Neither of them like Bush!

Cernovich is human garbage.

Actually it’s about ethics in basketball parenting.

Someone let them know that what really gets your testosterone up is stabbing yourself repeatedly in the eyes with a frozen piece of your own shit.

I remember seeing this place on some Food Network show. The host of the show was sampling one of the crazier donuts and the stereotypical hipster doogus shop owner said “you’re really going to want to hang a fang on that one” and thought to myself the host of this show must have tremendous patience because I would

I wonder if it would have gone over better as woven into the narrative of the prior few episodes, rather than as it’s own thing.

This episode just makes me want a Shadowrun TV show. Also I’m pretty sure Brenner was killed by the Demogorgan in Season 1.

I keep seeing people being down on this episode.

Nice to see that you guys are still doubling down on the whole Anthony Fantano business even though it is a completely and utterly libelous witch hunt.