
On the contrary, I can always have salted butter if I just...add salt to butter. If I buy salted butter then I'm SOL.

You drive a pretty niche car. Most people don't. Not really helpful here...

Can someone explain why it is necessary for Tesla to make an electric car that does 0-60 in 5.5 seconds for 50k? I get that they want to try to make a statement, but if they really want to make a vehicle that has sufficient range and a reasonable price, why not tone down the performance which should decrease weight

I like the sporty aesthetic of this car's interior, but it does look super cheap. Also agree that the styling refresh made it look pretty ugly, especially the rear end. The problem with the TC is that it isn't really good at anything. It is a small car that isn't fast nor particularly sporty and doesn't get great fuel

Agreed, though if you want to be technical, putting a Mini in a spot 5" longer than a itself sounds whole lot easier than putting a regular mid-size car into a spot 5" longer than itself. Proportions and whatnot.

Someone please find these photos....

The infographic in #10 has always annoyed me even though I guess it shouldn't. I hate people in my way in the left lane as much as anyone else, but at the same time I cruise in the left lane all the time. I move over when faster cars are approaching, of course (assuming it isn't a jackass behind me who thinks everyone