Dave MacArthur

You would need to use Virtual Box to run the other system in an open window in Windows OS, however not %100 sure it would allow you to access files or directories you do not have permissions for when running in just Windows (as your still kinda running in windows), but it might bypass Windows permissions this way...In

Ubuntu on a thumbdrive seems to have memory issues on older machines, I would suggest Puppy linux, as it is much more stable especially for older machines.

you sure can!! download unibootin (program for making thumb drives....download a ubuntu, or puppy or whatever .iso file (just google puppy .iso or which ever one you want) then run unibootin and fill in the blanks (real easy)....turn off your pc, make sure the bios is set to boot from usb and turn it

Buddy, no joke, you think thats fast....puppy is seriously 100 times faster....and you will find Ubuntu will bog down after a lengthy session and become unresponsive where as Puppy remains stable...Puppy OS resides tottally in RAM so there is no LAG when you click on a program, it immediatly is just "open" and

I have puppy running off a thumb drive, and it is running my 3-d desktop and looks far superior to Ubuntu. Puppy requires a little more tweaking than ubuntu to get it the way you want, but if you can handle that...it is a far more stable platform than Ubuntu which has had memory buffering issues and freezes when

Backtrack is awesome, if you have the right hardware....if you are looking for a how to on backtrack....it probably won't work for you. It has great network security tools, but most of the programs need specific hardware capabilities (like network card that has packet sniffing capabilities) that do not come with most