

They return the favor too.

Without their help, Samus’ ship would’ve likely been destroyed by the Omega Metroid at the end of Fusion resulting in her untimely death.

Damn right. Tracer, Symmetra, Pharah, Mercy, Widowmaker, Zarya, D.Va, Mei, Ana, Sombra and Orisa say fucking hi.

This is hilarious to me. Guess what mr. unknown... your game mode is not unique nor the first of its kind. Get over yourself... and PS. you ain’t no Sid Meier, get your damn name off of things.

oh the irony of this is hilarious.

...but two Wongs don’t make a White.

Anonymous tipsters just told ESPN that Malzahn is just using the drunkenness as an excuse. The school discovered over the off season that he was actually two small men, Brad and Alex Wong, standing on each others shoulders.

Hey there. I actually do know, considering I’m management in the video game industry. (Mobile / social to be exact). Given all our staff work in SF and live in the area, given office rent, tools / licenses, meals / expenses, etc etc etc; the $10k number isn’t really wrong when averaged out.

For us the number is

I promise you that it is not an overestimation. If anything, it’s an underestimation. As I said above, you have to account for office rent, cleaning, equipment, taxes, other staff who aren’t working directly on the game, console certification costs, software costs, and so many other expenses that come up over

Hey, just wanted to give some input- by trying to make these podcasts look like articles, I am less inclined to actually listen to them. Every week it’s something I’m genuinely interested in reading, but because it turns out to be some sneak ad for the podcast it just makes me frustrated. I don’t mean this as


FACT: This is perfect.

That’s like saying that when you flip a coin it lands on a side.

You know what kind of killed the moment for me? LFG.

That’s legitimately pretty great.

Here’s how, stop allowing for it to be a currency exchanged on the marketplace. Put your integrity over your priority for money. There’s an Xbox one release around the corner that will net you literally millions of dollars to continue further funding. Be an indie dev with decency and stop allowing “players” to openly

It was supposed to release awhile back, but a company called The Odd Gentlemen (who are behind the new Kings Quest remakes) essentially stole the money Hussie & Co gave them to help develop the game, released a very shoddy demo of just a walk cycle when it was time to show their progress, and then essentially used the

It’s the closest webcomics have to a Ulysses or Infinite Jest. The ending was seen by many as somewhat underwhelming.

Better idea: