This is a woman who made a dumb mistake and once she realized her mistake she took appropriate action and apologized. But fear not, roots readers! There is still time to shame her for her transgression!
Gabe should run for President. Seems right up his alley considering the terms stop at 2.
I kind of thought that it was more like Apple describing the removal of the earphone jack as COURAGE.
Came to post that, found it in the comments. IP law is very clear on when a rights holders repeatedly fails to protect their IP.
Under normal trademark law, certainly. But since the Geneva Convention has been mentioned, I’m thinking there are considerations above and beyond normal national trademark laws here. If it’s a matter of international treaty, all bets are of when it comes to mark genericization.
I can play every new game through my browser if I wanted... The system is cool, but the subscription service is whack
No, but that’s a cute thought. I think that making fun of gamers is just so very 1995.
Bullshit write up on this.
Oh my god.
Blame this on having to register on a fucking website for any of your stats to actually count. I can imagine most people had no idea they had to register. Im fairly sure if they would have just counted everyones pokemon, regardless of registration on the pokemon website, the number would have been much closer.
Mine’s animated. hua hua hua hua hua
I like Felix as a person. I have no interest in Pewdiepie.
If he’s dropping the nonsense and acting more like himself, I may actually finally start watching....
Well it’s all about perspective. For some people it might, for some it might not. I got really upset today because my 4k tv failed and I had to trade it to a new one. I’m getting it on monday. So no gaming for me this weekend. Then as I was erasing the files from the said tv, I accidentally erased my files from my…
Hi there fellow KEFKA!
Let’s add he didn’t even want the award after either and just wanted to move on with his life before Keighley stood up on stage and kicked the hornets nest just so he can force him to take the award Keighley was told multiple times he didn’t want.
Get outta here with those remake screenshots. Woof.