
Oh boy, can’t wait to see Quartering get his dick in a knot over this.

It’s more like spending a whole season in a dozen cars, they often return to the same sets over and over. I could probably name them all from memory.

I really have to wonder if ANYONE involved in adapting Snowpiercer for television regrets making a leader of the revolution...a COP. “Cop show” as a default premise for serious dramas has got to stop.

We’ve seen her edit his old speeches, there was a real Wilford before she took over.

The point is that the Earth is warming up from its synthetic ice age. The train was meant to be an ark from the freeze to the thaw. I won’t spoil the past mediums (of which I’ve only seen the movie) but just shoving some clouded sun onto the Earth doesn’t necessarily have to immediately thaw out a deep freeze that was

I don’t think it’s a new frontier in gaming; sound has been extremely important to video games since video games existed. The problem is that many people under-appreciate sound design. This is due to the fact that just enough good games come out with mediocre sound design that the forget-ability of said design

I made this determination after playing exactly 1 match. 9 of the 10 characters are tropes or copies, the conceit of “pick which game type you want to play” is incredibly unfocused when the three types are BR, Zone Control, and MOBA, and the UI is just an absolute mess. Originality was nowhere to be found with this

I’m tickled by the fact that in an article about granny gamer being sick of commenters telling her what to do, you’re telling a commenter how to comment better.

Other than the obvious statement that the harassment isn’t warranted, all I really have to say is that the head scratch video really comes across like foreplay.

All that and I’m curious to see how long a scene like that takes to load fresh.

I have extreme doubts that the end of that demo was a fully realized, fully physics enabled, fully player controlled world. Cue Destiny 1's “See that landscape? You can go there” fib.

Now that would’ve been a more interesting article!

I’m happy for folks who are still into this game getting something that they wanted but unfortunately there is a stack of worse problems that has grown over time which still aren’t being addressed. Looking forward to any one of those (load times, bounty retrieval, forced PvP playstyles, FOMO, steam integration, file

Maybe someone could finally publish the dev tools for Red Faction, since it’s still the only game in existence with accurate building construction and destruction yet has never released an SDK so modders could do cool shit with the engine.

If you want to protest this, call him Mister Disrespect.

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Devs Preemptively Shut Down Bullshit Concerns About Female Vikings 9 Whiny Douchebags On Twitter

Can’t wait to link to this the next time someone writes a stupid headline 1 day after a game is released.

Eva: Yes Yes YES

Yeah, I have no idea why Square didn’t break down the chapter selection to allow sub-chapters. They even have this split properly in the story browser, there’s no reason not to allow warping to these individual points so you can skip the utter bullshit like the robo-hand section.

It’s a shame when your bosses suck every asshole they can get their lips on but it’s a valid enough reason as any to move along. Good luck! Your loss will definitely be felt.