
This show is terrible and I could explain why in a very long post detailing the inappropriate tonal shifting, poorly delivered basic comedy, and utter pointlessness of the show as a whole but instead I want everyone to focus on one amazing thing this show deserves to be applauded for.

Yes! Please continue this coverage! I’ve asked before and I know you’re keeping it up, this is just my comment to let you know I recognize it and appreciate it. Comcast is fucking San Francisco right now with this bullshit and it has to stop. It never was necessary, it should have been scaling with which package of

Are you sure Boost is better than Midnight? Midnight boosts the “important” sounds of the game while keeping everything else lower. I had to assume that includes footsteps.

But they’re best friends. Whether you’d consider her level-headed approach to how she handled CK’s situation “defense” or not (and I’d be pretty willing to agree with you that she isn’t defending him) doesn’t matter for the question I’m asking. They’re best damn friends but on completely opposite sides of the

He’s being made an example of and for good reason. If people think doing this kind of thing is an “oopsie” just because it happened in his own home and destroyed his own equipment, then they’ll think it’s just an “oopsie” until the thing that gets shot is someone else.

I watched half of the stand-up and have something I need to discuss. Hopefully people here can help me.

I don’t envy the position the man is in; contextually he’s trying to steer 5 Titanics through a field of icebergs. This is why I feel like his statement is an ass-cover. There’s something he’s not telling us, some specific reason why they can’t just remove FOMO entirely. Do they have statistics showing that more

“We want to fix this, and next year’s Seasons will have less.”

If he actually figured it out, then he would have already given himself the answer. Which means he’ll either never figure it out, or he has figured it out but had to undo giving himself the knowledge due to unforeseen consequences.

Yeah, it’s matchmaking then, cuz I’m on the fastest M2 a Ryzen could push.

The whisper-yelling he does in that spit video is just hilariously subdued for something deserving of a ban. Harassment, hacking, and threats? Worth the ban. Whisper-yelling and spitting on your own material possessions? Worth laughing at.

What’s weird is that I went Renegade through the entire series but still picked the right choices that saved everyone. I wonder if that counts as Renegade?

It’s so weird to me how this post still gets the same replies. Does nobody check the other replies before posting?

Load times on PC have gotten worse and worse over time. I think the best load times were somewhere just before or just after the Forsaken expansion, I can’t recall exactly. I don’t know exactly where the load times lie for the issues that cropped up since before the January update that’s causing the latest issues, but

All I want to do is beat this game so I can check out what the end game consists of but I’m at the final boss and his consistent “goes invincible and does nothing” bug that wasn’t fixed in tonight’s update and won’t be fixed until next week’s update (the developer can no longer hotfix the game because of the fact it

My comment here got a star today and I think it’s worth mentioning that in the final season, Bojack finally eats some honeydew in the final episode... and enjoys it.

This pressure to play and this stress of not playing enough to unlock a reward is a lot of what gaming is now.

I don’t even know what is the point of it.

Ah, you watched this on Twitch last night, didn’t you Heather?

You pretty much nailed it.