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Came here thinking “there’s no way she included the best trailer” and you had it as #1. Good on you.

Worst Received: A Powerglove... when I didn’t own an NES... and before anyone knew that keeping it would’ve been fucking baller.

We need an article, ASAP, listing the various names to give the Series X, because nobody is going to call it that.

You know what show has been running with the Mystery Box formula and problematic Spoiler Culture since season 1?

It’s not. I’ve heard that these artists are put on insane deadlines from Sony and it’s the only way they can get anything done on time.

This is doubly impressive, to be honest. Firstly, impressive that they just outright stole so much work but secondly impressive that they ended up clipping so much good work together in a pretty decent way. Like, there’s a talent here, it’s just talent that shouldn’t be used the way it is.

The end of a story is supposed to be the culmination of all the story that came before it. In the case of FFXV, this is not the case. The end of the story is the culmination of the DLC. I watched the movie and the anime series then played FFXV from start to end in the first two weeks of release, before any DLC or

Edited because I posted in the wrong place.

I believe I actually have two very simple explanations for all of this, depending on whether or not you trust the prequel series.

Played the game in full, loved it, and think that it does not deserve a GOTY nomination and the fact that Outer Wilds isn’t nominated for GOTY is 100% shortsighted nominating.

I’ll never understand comments like this in a world where text without emphasis leads to misunderstandings. It’s the equivalent to “gosh you sure do use big words, city boy.”

Correct. A more intricate version of what I was saying would be “people who don’t already play video games but could be convinced to start. 

I’ve made the argument before and I’ll make the argument again: Third party streaming game services will only ever become successful if they gain a stable of exclusive, good games that don’t rely on low latency. As is, everyone who wants to play video games are already doing it on other devices and already have the

Is that what it is? Are you sure? Because the trailer led me to believe it could’ve been anything from a Monster Hunter game to a side scrolling Metroidvania. There’s literally zero information to gain from the pre-rendered cinematic other than “it ain’t Earth” and “it’s Fortnite graphics.”

This shit seems to happen so much with Kojima I feel like he needs to hire his own personal translator or, if he already has one, hire a new one.

Hahaha thanks. I’m glad the intention of my comment got across properly. I don’t want people to take my opinions too seriously.


Good news for devs who make Idle/Incremental games, since technically you’re only supposed to spend a few minutes on them at a time!

Silence book-ended by “we don’t have to talk” and “it’s about time we talked” was cool, dressed up Darlene was cool, camera shot down the stairwell was cool, bunch of massive city shots were cool, music was cool, heist hack choreography was cool!