
But the game doesn’t really delve into any of these topics so much as it merely touches on them. It does so with plenty of style and confidence, but it keeps things light and breezy, for the most part.

Destiny 2 is, partially, going to finally handle a “stash” the way a stash should be handled; via a “Collection” that you can craft most items in the game from. I say “partially” because I say “most.” A real, good developer would have a collection of literally every item in the game, offer the ability to craft from

Farts are funny. How is that not solidified as fact?!

I’m so fucking lucky I was in college when Direct Connect was the popular form of file sharing.

Or I could just wait for the next expansion to come along and render all that extra effort moot.

The greatest death scene in the entire series, however, is that of The Boss. I can’t even think about that scene without getting goosebumps. I could write a few paragraphs about why it’s the best but instead I’ll summarize it in 6 words and allow the knowing masses to nod in agreement.

Remember kids: Don’t base your values on, or die on any hills for, companies.

Follow three principles:

In other words, I’m going to turn my ad blocker back on for Twitch. Got it.

That’s cute.

I’m a bit late on this comment but who knows... old comments have gained traction before, let’s try again.

“Hey! You get out of my room!”

The most dumbfounding part of all this (and elicited the biggest jaw drop from me since this all started) is that he plagiarized on his LinkedIn. Like, with just 1 article plagiarized, you could say “ahhh, he’ll never worked as a journalist again” and with 3 videos plagiarized you could say “welp, he’s never gonna be

:D This game is like super awesome in terms of quality of life features but they’re way too hard to access because the game doesn’t tutorialize their use very well.

“Everything is about ____” or “Keep ____” with the blanks filled in with the word “perspective” or “balance” as appropriate.

Kirk! Please emphasize the importance that radial menus are tied to loadouts! I accidentally overwrote my radial menu customization multiple times because I couldn’t figure this out. You should also mention that you can edit your usable item list as a part of the loadouts as well! This one’s super hard to find because

The funny part about this is the under-reporting of the fact that the CPU issues MH:W is having seem rather similar to the CPU issues Assassin’s Creed: Origins had... and both were using new, never-before-seen versions of Denuvo.

It’s be nice if one of the Kotaku journalists went back and researched how many times in the past some senior at some game company said that consoles wouldn’t exist in 5-10 years. I’d love to laugh at all these very wrong predictions.

Howard said that mods in particular are difficult to implement due to the game’s online nature, but that it is a problem they are “100% committed to solving.”

I decided I was gonna do things right: I was gonna start anew. I now regret my decision.