
Oh, I get pissy about it because this shit makes me squint while playing the game which, in turn, adds eye strain and makes it hurt just to play a game. Why the fuck am I squinting when I’m a few feet away from a 55 inch 4K television? Because HDR is bad is why.

High school guidance councilors are so woefully unprepared that they, in turn, make college students even more woefully unprepared which, in turn, makes this country’s graduating workforce the least fucking prepared.

I used to think this was the case too until I had two graphics programmers and an art director tell me that what I was seeing is just how HDR is being done these days, that it is very poor, that people are just saying it looks good because it’s stylish, different, and new, and I’d have to wait until developers

If she was a real person with real feelings and emotions, sure, I’ll learn to say it right.

See, I thought this same thing until I chatted with two graphics programmers and an art director and all three of them essentially said the same thing. “Yup, the industry is kinda fucking it up right now and what you’re seeing is awful.”

You don’t need to own an HDR TV to know what HDR looks like. It’s sort of a common misconception, really. If I took a shitty phone camera recording of my 4k HDR TV playing God of War with HDR on vs a recording of the same thing with HDR off, you could very easily tell the difference. What’s happening with this game is

RE: Dumb and Angry

Two quickest examples? 1: The sun (at 1:10)looks like a nuclear explosion is going off in the sky. So instead of a sun, you have this gigantic splotch of bloomy white shit on the skybox. 2: Look at the trees as he enters the forest (at 2:24.) You’ll see that instead of having any kind of definition on the leaves, you

Nobody believes me (except certain graphical engineers) but the HDR in that game is some of the worst I have ever seen. This game could be so much fucking prettier if they just tuned down the HDR a bit.

The way you make money is you spend as little as possible, to get the most possible return. Do you really think that they would see a 10x return on investment for that much more money? (Hint, the answer is no).

1) This is insane. They don’t have HALF A MILLION DOLLARS to spend on fanart. What kind of world do you live in where companies can blow that much cash on a silly little side project that would have cost $10k-20k to do in-house?

Give them a $500k budget, allow only a maximum amount of 5,000 works accepted in total per the budget thus guaranteeing at least a $100 payout per work, suggest that maybe not even 5,000 works will be accepted which would in turn increase the payout per work accepted, allow all creators right of final refusal, and

Haha yeah I laughed that the guy was talking about it as a church cuz all I could think was “That isn’t like any church I’ve ever seen.”

I wonder if they’ll actually implement some anti-cheat code this time around!

Those polygons mashed through each other real good.

No no no see, I totally do count sequels as a new game in general. I was trying to explain it so you could understand that this is more of a vibey thing that relates specifically to PixelJunk and honestly, I can’t think of any other series of games I’d apply the same feeling to except maybe the Simple Series from way

This headline is rather questionable when you consider that both games are based on previous titles within the PixelJunk series. For some reason, I feel like a “new PixelJunk game” should mean a new entry to the series rather than a sequel or mobile port of a previous game. The reason I was always a fan of PixelJunk

Any release engineer who works on any of their platforms saw this and said “no shit.”

In other words, Steam is now Zombocom!