
Really?I played my copy on Saturday. Is there a problem?

Mets Fan actually does mean shit hitting the fan.

Ladies & Gentlemen, the world's oldest flag girl.

"Huh....Whuh?" says a disinterested new yawker

at :30 mark his mom calls, let's her know he's fine then from :48 to :50 he's calling customer service to help him pitch a tent, Yikes!

Cost efficiency, reducing the value of other models which is intentional if you look at the history of the supposed "supply & demand" tactic they and other companies have used to stimulate their profits. Efficiency is the enemy of profit, remember that.

Excuse me but shouldn't you be busy extorting money from the mets, by playing horribly.

"All New Yawkers" lol you humorless hick. Go eat some deep fried scrotums.

You are not alone, I am also a user of that relic of the bush administration.

"Overhyped Burger Stands" when was Shake Shack ever overhyped?

NBC is still hasn't finished airing the Beijing Olypics

+1 *clapping furiously*

"Yankee fan therefore asshole" clearly an indication no one in this thread has left the cul de sac in Baltimore.